Chapter 12 Guess Who's Back

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(The day after Regionals)

~beca's POV~

I just woke up and I'm so tired from yesterday, After Regionals was over, all of the bellas and trebles went out and celebrated, well except for Cameron and tanner because we went to a bar and they obviously weren't aloud in.

I had no plans for today, so I thought I was just gonna spend the day in my dorm with my best buds bed, tv, phone and dj equipment until jesse texted me.

J- hey million dollar baby

B- hey awesome nerd

J- what are you doing today

B- nothing really I was just gonna stay in my dorm unless you wanted to do something

J- well ya I need to talk to you

B- about what??

J- nothing about are relationship, just saying you don't have to worry that much

B- ok I thought something bad there for a minute, so meet in the field at are normal place

J- ya, head out now bye love you

B- bye love you to

I turned my phone off and threw it somewhere on my bed, then got up to get dressed. I put on a white tank top with black skulls, my black denim jacket, a pair of faded ripped jeans, white converse shoes and headed out the door to meet jesse.

~jesse's POV~

I put my phone back in my pocket and awaited beca's arrival to are usual spot in the field. After about a 5 minute wait I saw her beautiful self making her way toward me.

"Hey beautiful." I said with a smile planted across my face.

"Hey nerd, what did you need to talk about?" She asked sitting done next to me and giving me a peck on the lips.

"Well, I never thought I would ever say this but." I paused for a second. "Bumpers back." I said letting out a big breath.

"Ok and that's so important because?" She questioned with a really look.

"He wants back in the trebles and he also wants something else."

"Well then let him in the trebles and give him rules and what exactly does he want?"

"He wants Amy."

"Are you serious, that's not as bad as I thought it would be. I mean there aloud to date now so what's the big deal about it?" She questioned giving me another really look.

"No you don't get it, he 'wants' Amy." I said putting air quotes around wants.

"Oh, ya now that's real bad. But there is nothing we can do about it, I mean if Amy knows bumpers back she's probably gonna wanna get with him to."

"That's true." I said with i-didnt-realize look.

"Ya, so we're just gonna have to leave it for now."

"Fine." I mumbled. "But what do you think about him joining the trebles?" I questioned.

"Well as I said earlier let him in and give him some rules and of the other trebles don't like that then don't let him in."

"Ok, thanks bec what would I do without you." I said making a small smile appear on her face.

"Im pretty sure you would die or get with another girl." She said laughing.

"Now I'm not sure that's true or not." I said leaning into kiss her.

~beca's POV~

Jesse started leaning in to kiss me so I started to lean in to. We were leaning in pretty slow though until we got interrupted like always and this time it wasn't Cameron or any of the other bellas.

"Hey jesse and beca is that you?" The familiar voice questioned.

It was bumper.

"Dude go away, we're sorta busy here!" Jesse said with lots of tention in his voice.

"Oh ok, but man is it hot out or is it just me." Bumper said giving me a smile and wink.

"Ya it's just you, go away." I said giving him a look-at-me-and-you-die look.

"Well I'll be leaving you to alone." He said running off.

"Well where we're we." Jesse asked leaning in again, but stopped him after taking my phone out of my pocket and seeing there was a text from Stacie.

S- beca I need some serious help, come to my dorm now!

XoXo Stacie

I put my phone back in my pocket and stood up.

"Actually I was just about to leave, sorry jess Stacie needs my help, like right now." I said as he stood up to.

"Ok well promise me that we will meet up later then."

"I promise." I said flashing him a professional Rebeca Mitchell smile. I gave him a kiss and walked off to Stacies dorm, where I will be yelling at her for ruining my perfect moment with jesse.

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