Chapter 5 Aca Initiation Night

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~Cameron's POV~

I woke up in the morning in jesse's bed. I turned around and noticed that a lot of guys in the room, when I put my glasses on I realized that it was the trebles.

"Hey Cameron, your awake." Benji said waving his hand slightly.

All the trebles started mumbling under there breaths. Donald got up and asked Benji a question.

"Did you sleep with her?" Donald whispered into benji's ear with a grossed out look because of how old I was compared to Benji.

"What!? No of course not why would I sleep with her." Benji yelled out and the guys started to chuckle.

"Ok yeah I'm leaving because you guys are just sick." I got up and put my shoes on and grabbed my sweater. I opened the door when Donald said something.

"Wait. Why are you here if you didn't sleep with Benji.?" Donald asked with one of his eye brows up.

"Well if none of you didn't notice I'm jesse's sister and I slept here last night because it's kind of hard when he's there with beca. So um I'm gonna leave now ok see yea around." I said while leaving and all the guys mouths dropped because they didn't have any idea I was his sister.

~beca's POV~

I woke up this morning with my head on jesse's chest while he was still sleeping. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, it was 11:30.

I fell out of bed. THUMP! Jesse emediatly woke up and looked on the ground.

"Are you ok bec?"

"Yeah I'm just really late. I need to get to the hall to meet up with all the bellas and the new ones."

I got up and ran to the bathroom I grabbed a new pair of clothes and threw them on. I went and grabbed my shoes and slid them on.

Jesse stood up and walked over to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Come on jesse I have to go."

"But you can give me a goodbye kiss can't you?"

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck as we started to kiss. As we were kissing Cameron walked in. I turned around and grabbed her hand.

"Cameron you need to come with me to something. Jesse I will see you tonight or maybe earlier. Bye love you."

"Bye love you 2."

~Cameron's POV~

As I walked into my dorm I saw beca and jesse kissing. Gross. Beca turned around and grabbed my hand.

As we ran out of the room beca's grip got tighter and tighter. Before we walked into the hall beca put a bag over my head and I had no clue what was going on.

We entered the building and I got stood in a certain place and it felt like I was standing beside someone.

~beca's POV~

"Guys I'm so sorry that I'm late my. I was doing something." I whispered to the girls.

"More like doing someone." Stacie said making the girls giggle.

"Well let's get this thing started I guess."

"Ok ladies, you all have been recruited here to become a Barden Bella. Now I don't feel like boring anyone so I'm just gonna name all of you guys. Ok the first 2. Stefanie and Sandra and the last 3, Candace, Tiffany and Cameron. We will start by drinking red wine."

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