Chapter 17 Getting Along

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~beca's POV~

I'm sitting at the auditorium with chloe and aubury waiting for the other bellas to arrive. Cynthia rose, Stacie and lily came, then Candace and Tiffany and so on and so on. Cameron was last to show up and that wasn't like her at all.

"Ok girls, ready were gonna start with the choreography, now put your left foot out, bring it back and put your right foot out, bring it back and then put your hands to your hips then bring them up to your head. Ready let's do that part full speed!" I shouted to get the girls attention.

We started doing the part and then aubury started yelling at us to work harder. "Ladies, ladies, laides you have to be enthusiastic, when you bring your hands up to your head you have to really bring them up to your head!" Aubury screamed. We started again and she started to yell again. "Cameron you have to really bring your arms up!" She shrieked and Cameron looked at me with a arent-you-the-boss look.

"Ok, aubury she's doing it perfectly fine just let us do are thing and you spectate, we talked about this Remeber." I said and she put her hands up in surender and walked towards chloe. We went over the choreography a couple more times and aubury was about to burst and say everything we did wrong.

I told the girls to take 10 and aubury couldn't hold it in anymore.

"You girls did horrible, what if you were on stage, I mean everything was wrong especially you Cameron, you did all the moves wrong and you You'll probably never get it right!" Aubury freaked and I was ready for Cameron to freak out to. "You know aubury, I was told to get along with you, but your making it really hard to, now I did good and I will get the moves perfectly right in time for the ICCAs now unless you want anything to happen to you then I suggest you you stop worrying about me." Cameron said calmly but Ready to start screaming.

"You know, I don't think a scrony little girl could do shit to me, so I suggest you back off." Aubury responded, I looked at Cameron and the look in her eyes looked like she was going to explode.

"You know what bitch, I'm gonna fucking sla-!" Cameron yelled but I put my hand over her mouth and held her back. "You know what aubury, it would be great if you left Cameron alone, unless you want me to let her go because I will and it won't be pretty, now like she said before don't worry about her and worry about yourself." I said while getting a stronger grip on Cameron.

"Oh, your gonna stick up for the kid you just met this year?" She asked. "Aubury, beca is right. You need to learn to get along with everyone even if you really don't like them. Now come on and say your sorry or you can just leave." Chloe explained and aubury looked shocked at her words.

"Thank you ginger, for sticking up for me." Cameron said while escaping my grip and Chloe nodded and smiled. "Fine then, Cameron im sorry we don't get along but I will try and get along if you will." Aubury offered.

Cameron looked uo at me before she answered and I smiled at her and nodded my head. "Ok I'll try and get along if you try and get along, deal?" Cameron asked. "Deal."Aubury replied back. They shook hands and walked in different ways.

Now the only thing to hope for is if they honor there deal and actually try and get along.

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