Chapter 25 Please

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~beca's POV~

It's been a day since Cameron forgave me and jesse and she's been bugging us to go to the hospital to talk to the doctor, so here me and jesse are pulling into the hospital parking lot. He parks the car in an empty spot finally and we get out.

"So how are we gonna do this?" He questions me and I look at him. "All I'm gonna say is that I'm gonna be doing the talking." I say back in response and he steps in front of me. "And by talking you mean friendly talking right?" He questions giving me a stern look.

"Sure, let's go with that."I said and try to walk around him but he steps in front of me again and looks into my eyes like he was stealing my soul. "Fine!" I sort of yelled giving in. "That's my girl." He says smiling and giving me a small peck on the lips.

We walked into the hospital to see a whole bunch of people in the waiting area and what seems like thousands of people surrounding the Front desk. I stand there for a second staring at everyone and jesse pushes me lightly. "What?" I ask him. "You look like your about to pass out." He responds and I point to everyone at the front desk. "How are we supposed to get to the front?" I question him and he looks behind me.

"We don't really have to worry about that." He says grabbing my arm and turning me around.

Standing right in front of a door is the doctor were looking for. I started running toward him and he looked up at me and smiled.

"Beca, right? What can I do for you?" He questioned. "Well Cameron seems to be doing perfectly and I mean PERFECTLY fine and jesse and I were wondering if she could perform?" I asked and he looked at me sympathetically. "I've already told you she can't, it's only been days or so since she's had the surgery and we don't need her getting more hurt." He explained and I gave him a sad face.

"Come on, I mean what if she gets way better and feels awesome and great, then can she perform?" I asked and he flipped through a couple pages on his clipboard. "If she keeps taking her medication and is feeling better by the end of the month, then maybe." He said and I smiled and jumped up and down.

"Yay! Thanks and I promise you she will feel the best by the end of the month." I cheered and then started walking away from him. "Hey! Bring her by here at the end of the month for a check up and then we'll see!" He yelled to me and I turned around and gave him a thumbs up. I walked out with jesse and before I opened my car door he stood in front of it.

"Thank you for being good." He said and I put my arms around his neck. "Do I get something for being good?" I asked and he started thinking. "I think I know what to give you." He said and put his arms around my waist and I smiled at him. He leaned down and started kissing me. We stood there for a while just kissing when a random person yelled out something.

"GET A ROOM!" The stranger yelled at us and we quickly pulled away from each other and looked at the person. "Fucking love." The guy mumbled under his breath while walking away. I burst out laughing when the guy was out of sight and jesse laughed a bit.

"Well I guess we should go back to campus and talk to Cameron now." Jesse said and opened my door and I nodded my head. "Thank you." I said and he shut my door. He went around the car and got in the seat next to me. "My pleasure." He said and with that he started up the car and start driving.

The whole car ride was silent except for the music that was playing on the radio.

After a little while we were back at campus. We pulled in and jesse parked the car in his usual spot. We got out and started walking toward my dorm which is probably where Cameron was.

We got to my dorm building when jesse's phone went off. "Do you care if I take this, it's Donald?" He asked. "Go ahead." I responded and then he walked a little away from me. I could still hear what he was saying but not the best.

"Ok...ya...I'll be there soon...alright bye." Jesse said into his phone and turned back around to me. "I have to-." He started but I cut him off. "Go meet Donald?" I questioned and he chuckled a bit. "Actually go meet the trebles, can you face Cameron alone?" He questioned me and I gave him a really look.

"Obviously, you go have fun with your trebles." I said and he gave me one of his signature smiles, god I melt over that smile. "Thanks, I'll catch up with you later on ok. Bye love you." He replied and started walking away. "Love you to!" I yelled after him and he turned around and blew me a kiss.

I laughed and walked inside. I went upstairs and walked down the hall where my dorm was. I reached my dorm and let out a breath. "Here goes nothing." I whispered to myself and opened the door.

"Hey! How did it go? Can I perform?" Cameron questioned eager to know. "Cam it went fine and you can only perform if your doing great by the end of this month, we're going for a check up at the end of the month." I explained to her and she nodded her head. "So there's like a 50 or 60% chance that I will be able to perform?" She asked and I nodded my head at her. "So keep taking your medication and don't do anything to hurt yourself......again." I replied and she nodded her head again and went back to doing whatever she was doing before I came in.

'Wow thanks for saying thank you for going to the hospital to talk to the doctor, I really appreciate it.' I thought to myself and went and sat on my bed.

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