Chapter 10 Practice And Fundraising

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~beca's POV~

I woke up this morning to Cameron yelling at me to get up.

"Get up bec!" Cameron yelled as she slid her sneakers on her feet.

"What." I said yawning.

"You said there's a Bella practice today." She said looking with a

are-you-serious face.

"Oh ya, you head down there and I'll catch up, I'll just be a sec." I replied getting up.

As I got up and went to grab fresh clothes Cameron leaves the room and says hi to someone.

"Hey jesse." Cameron said leaving.

"Hey cam and hey to you to my little beauty." He said putting a smile on his and my face.

"Hey jess, I gotta get dressed so do you mind." I said grabbing my clothes put of the drore.

"I don't mind at all." Jesse replied sitting down on my bed and looking at me with a smile.

"I guess I'm getting changed in the bathroom." I said and he nodded as I went into the bathroom.

I came out and slipped my shoes on, grabbed my jacket and jesse's hand. We started walking down to the bellas practice when lisa walked my and gave me a nasty look, so jesse pulled me in and kissed my pasionetly and after that she nearly started screaming and she ran. Jesse and I just laughed and kept walking.

We made it to the practice and jesse gave me a kiss, we started getting a little to enthusiastic and Amy came behind me and picked me up over her shoulder, giving jesse a signal to get out. She turned around and he was just laughing at me, I waved bye and he waved back and left.

"Amy, you can put me down now, jesse's gone." I said squirming around.

"Oh right, here you go." Amy replied and put me down gently.

"Ok bellas, Regionals is coming up in about a week and we need to get everything done." I yelled so all the girls would hear me.

"Well, I have a couple song ideas that we could sing?" Candace said.

"Ya that's great Candace! We need 1 song and then we need to choreograph are dance." I told them.

(2 hours later)

We spent 2 hours coming up with the choreography and we got half of it done, we picked are song, we got everyone in there places and we me and fat Amy picked the solos. That was are day and everything was going well until Stacie said something.

"So Regionals is lots of money right? How are we supposed to get that money?" Stacie asked confused.

"Well we could do a fundraising thing." Cynthia rose said.

"Ya that's a great idea! We could do a bikini car wash or something super hot and sexy, to tease all the boys!" Fat Amy said really liking her idea.

I stood there and thought for a minute until Cameron stood up and said something.

"Why don't we have like a water fight or something, I mean that would get people's attention and then they would like come and pay to join. Right?" Cameron said and I put a smile on my face and started nodding my head.

"Wow Cameron, that's a really good idea, how did you come up with it?" I asked.

"Well im the youngest one here and I like stuff like that. I mean ive never done anything like it, so why not take a chance and actually do it." Cameron told us and everyone agreed to her idea.

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