Chapter Nothing Just An Authors Note

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Hey there all you people out there that are actually reading my book, I don't really know how to make the next chapters, but I'm telling you this now I am gonna finish this book because I don't like just leaving the book as it is and then everyone being like 'are you gonna update? Why aren't you updating? Don't just leave the book like this.'

So I have like 2-3 more chapters, I have a chapter already planned out and it's gonna be up soon but I don't really know how to do the ICCAS because I'm not really good at putting songs together like beca. So if anyone wants to sorta like help me out with the ICCAS chapter, with what the trebles and bellas are gonna sing then you can message me on here and stuff.

Unless you want me to just like put them both as just 1 song and not have mashed songs together that's cool too, but ya I need help with that chapter and if anyone wants to help me with that last chapter or tell me if I should do just 1 song for them, ya that's good too.

Thank you for reading this, I just wanted to get that out there because I'm not really updating anymore and I don't wanna just leave the book.

Thank you ALL!

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