Chapter 24 Forgive Us

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~beca's POV~

It's been a few days and Cameron hasn't talked to me or jesse at all, but I have seen her chatting with some of the bellas. Whenever I'm in are dorm and she's there it's complete silence. I've tryed making conversation with her but whenever I try she just puts her headphones on or leaves the room.

She's gotta get that it was the doctors decision to take her off the team.

"BECA!" Jesse yelled giving me an are-you-even-listening look. "What?" I question not having a clue what he said. "Do you think we could talk to the doctor and maybe he'll let her be on the team?" Jesse asked and I thought for a minute. "Well we could, I mean are performance isn't that hard and I don't think it would do damage to her but he probably wouldn't even listen." I replied and he nodded his head and sat back on our tree in the quad.

I sat back to and cuddled into his side more. We sat there for a while and I was thinking of a way to talk to Cameron. I looked up and saw that chloe was walking with Cameron and talking, so I decided to text Chloe.

~Chloe's POV~

I was walking on the quad talking to Cameron because I had nothing better to do and also beca said she was busy, so I decided to talk to Cameron.

"So, how's not being part of the bellas going?" I asked her and she looked at me with a what-does-it-look-like look. "It's going horible because I'm always bored." She replied and I nodded my head.

"What do you wan-." She started but then my phone vibrated and I cut her off. "Hold that thought." I said and she nodded her head slightly and looked away. I unlocked my phone and checked who the message was from and the ID said it was from beca.
(B=Beca    C=Chloe)

B- hey chlo, don't show Cameron your phone

C- why not

B- because if she sees the messages she'll leave and go somewhere else

C- ok then, what do you need

B- I want you to try and get Cameron to talk to me or jesse

C- so you want me to do something that could probably take a few days

B- no just like get her to say hi or smile or something

C- I don't think I can

B- please, pretty pretty please!!

C- beca it's probably gonna take forever

B- please, if you see me right now I'm doing my puppy dog eyes and I would make you melt

C- damnit, I'll try my best

B- thanks your the best and don't tell her you were talking to me, bye

C- whatever

I put my phone back in my pocket just right when Cameron looked back at me. "Who was that?" She asked. "Oh that was just um uh my um mom." I replied and thought to myself 'great cover'. "Oh ok." She said and I let out a sigh of relief that she actually bought that it was my mom.

"As I was trying to say earlier, what do you wanna do?" She asked and I sat down on a bench and she sat down to. "How about me sit here and talk." I suggested and she nodded her head yes.

"What do you wanna talk about?" She asked again and I turned to look right at her. "Well actually I was wondering something." I said and she looked at me confused for a minute. "And that is?" She questioned and I took a deep breath. "When was the last time you talked to beca or jesse?" I finished the question and she shook her head.

"I haven't talk to either of them since the other day, why?" She questioned looking a little mad. I shrugged my shoulders and she looked into my eyes like she was gonna steal my soul. "There's a reason, tell me it." She said and I knew I was caught. "Well um I wanted you to talk to beca or jesse." I replied and she looked away from me and shook her head.

"Why should I talk to them, I mean beca kicked me off the team and jesse probably helped her." She shrieked but didn't yell. "Listen, beca had no choice but to kick you off the team, what if you were performing and then you got injured. Do this for me and no one else, just talk to them, please." I replied.

"Fine but I'm only talking to them for you." She said and I smiled big and wide. "Ok well there over there, see you soon." I said and she gave me a sarcastic smile and walked away.

~Cameron POV~

I walked over to beca and jesse but right before I stepped in front of them I took a really big breath. I walked in front of them and beca's eyes shot right up to meet mine, jesse looked up to but he just kept a straight face.

"Hey Cameron what brings you here?" Beca questioned with a huge smile and I looked at her more sternly. "I know you talked to chloe about me talking to you so don't even start with that." I said and she lost the smile and stood up. "Fine." She said and jesse just sat there like a toy doll.

We stood there for a minute or so before beca spoke up again. "Cameron will you forgive us?" She asked me and I looked at her and then at jesse. "Fine but only because I finally got what the doctor said through my head." I said and beca cheered and hugged me. Jesse stood up and gave me a high five and a props.

"Beca and I were also going to talk to the doctor about it and maybe he'll change his mind." Jesse said and I smiled wide and jumped into his arms. "OMG! Really you would do that, I love you so much!" I squeeled. "I love you to." He responded and then I let go.

"Ok well really convince him because I really wanna perform." I said and then waved and walked away. They waved back and then I looked away from them.

I can't beleive that there's a slight chance that I can still perform, I'm so happy!

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