Chapter 8 Apologies Are Accepted

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(Still the night of the riff off)

~Cameron's POV~

I ran in my dorm and slammed the door behind me. I went and sat in a corner where it was dark and where no light shines.

When I sat down I realized beca was also in the room with a couple of other bellas but beca was calmed down and not crying anymore.

"Cameron are you ok!?" Stacie asked.

"Beca would only be the one who understands what happened." I told Stacie as beca stood up and went over to my corner and sat down.

"What's wrong, you have to tell me since you said I would be the only person who understands." Beca said putting her hand on my knee.

"Well when you ran away and the trebles won I confronted jesse and I started yelling at him and he started yelling at me, when I pushed him back and walked away h-he grabbed my drum sticks and snapped them in 4 pieces." I said crying into beca's shoulder.

"OMG! Did he actually snap them into 4-". Beca got cut off with knocking at the door.


Stacie got up and answered the door. After a second all the trebles except for jesse came walking in.

"What do you guys want? You wanna rub it in ours faces or something?" Beca questioned standing up.

"We're all sorry for what happened tonight and we thought we could help you guys out." Donald said sitting on Cameron's bed.

Every single one of the trebles sat on the beds and floor, but tanner just went and picked Cameron up into a hug.

"You know I could buy you a new pair of drum sticks." He whispered into my ear.

"No its ok, I got those drum sticks from my dad and if I'm going to get drum sticks from anyone it's gonna be him." I whispered back.

After everyone left, i put my pj's on and went to bed, so did beca.

~jesse's POV~

I woke up in the morning to someone pounding on my door, I was hoping it was one of the girls but it wasn't, it was tanner.

"Hey tanner what are you doing here exactly." I questioned.

"Where's your dad?" He said and I was surprised at his words.

"My dad's at home. Why?"

"Wait I thought he was in jail?"

"No he got out a long time ago but waited till Cameron wasn't there anymore because he couldn't bear to face her after he went to jail."

"Well I know how Cameron will forgive you, so if you wanna go for a little drive I will explain it to you." Tanner said while I went and grabbed my car keys.

(driving on the road)

"So what's your big plan and where are we going?" I asked.

"Drive to wherever your dad is  and your sister will probably forgive you if your dad got her new drum sticks that's what she told me last night anyways." Tanner said, I knew exactly what the plan was now.

I drove to my dad's house and knocked on the door.

"Hey honey, what are you doing here?" My mom answered the door.

"I just need dad quick and fast ok."

After that my mom went and got my dad.

"What do you need jesse?"

"Get in my car with me and my friend tanner and I'll explain it to you on the way to where were going."

My dad came and got in my car and I gave him a pair of drum sticks that I had bought earlier from the music store.

"What do I need these for?" My dad asked.

"Your going to give them to Cameron, she needs a new pair of drum sticks and she told tanner last night that she will only take them from you so your going to do Me a solid and do this ok."

"Fine, but why does she need a new pair of drum sticks anyway?" My dad asked looking at me with a serious face.

"Yeah that's a long story that I don't feel like telling you, but in the end if I did we would all just laugh you know." I said trying to put a real grin on my face.

~Cameron's POV~

So I'm in my dorm alone making my bed, beca went shopping with the other bellas and I didn't want to. I should have went though because I'm super bored.

As I plop down on my bed someone knocks on the door, and they keep knocking and knocking until I opened it.

It was jesse and I didn't feel like talking to him so I tryed closing the door but he pit his foot in it.

"Listen cam I'm sorry for what happened the other night ok." Jesse said trying to make me happy again.

"You really think I'm gonna forgive you. I mean you snapped my drum sticks and there gone now. I mean are you going to get dad from jail or something because I'm only accepting new drum sticks from him and no one else and if I get drum sticks from him I'll be happy again." I said almost starting to tear up at the fact that I'm never going to get new drum sticks.

"Well that's good because I have someone for you to see."

When jesse said that my eyebrow went up because I had no clue what he was talking about until someone appeared in the doorway beside him.

"Hey, it's been a long time baby." That person said making me wonder who it was.

I was wondering who it was until they lifted there head and took there hood off. It was my dad, I was completly shocked.

"OMG! Daddy I missed you so much!" I said jumping into his arms crying.

"Is missed you to baby, I missed you to." My dad said starting to tear up to.

"When did you get out if jail?" I asked.

"That's not important right now but I have something for you."

"What is it? Did you get me a new older brother, one that's nice to me and doesn't snap my things into pieces?" I asked hoping he would say yes and jesse staring at me with a are-you-serious look.

"No, I got called down here for a reason and I got you something for that reason." He said pulling something out of his back pocket.

He held what I saw to be a brand new pair of drum sticks. I saw them and I was shocked, I can't believe jesse brought my dad here to give new drum sticks.

"OMG! Thank you so much daddy! I love you so muh!"

"I know I love you to baby girl but I have to go, I'm gonna grab a taxi and head back home ok, I hope to see you again soon baby. Bye I love you. " My dad said walking down the hall.

"So I brought dad here is there something you want to say to me?" Jesse asked raising his eyebrows.

"Jesse I forgive you, your the best for bringing dad here!" I said giving him a big huge hug.

"Well it wasn't just a one man job there cam." Jesse said as tanner came around the corner this time to stand beside jesse.

"Tanner, you took what I told you last night and helped jesse didn't you." I said leaning in to give him a hug.

"Well yeah I wanted to make you happy and make you have a reason to forgive jesse." He said as I leaned in and kissed his cheek and made him blush.

"Ok well don't get to comfortable here your only 13 and we have to get beca to forgive me also." He said trying to think of something.

"Well jesse that's going to take some more time now, trying to get beca to forgive you after what she saw happen, this is gonna take a lot of thinking and help."

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