Authors Note!!!!!!!!!

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Hey there pitches, so the next chapter is supposed to be the last 1 and I just wanted to say that I really appreciate everything, like all the votes and comments and stuff. This book is up to 8.69k reads and it's probably gonna have more later on, its also up to 298 votes which I think is absolutely amazing.

When I first started this book I didn't think that it would have that many reads or that many votes so I'm really thankful.

Thank you to everyone who have voted for every chaper or even 1 chapter, thank you to everyone who has red each chaper or even 1 chapter and most of all thank you to everyone who thinks that this book is good, I didn't think it was that good when I started and then I got all the reads and votes and comments.

Thank you pitches/nerds/weirdos.

Keep voting, keep commenting, and keep reading.

The next chapter will be up soon, I promise. I'm getting it set up so just be thankful I'm not 1 of those people who just leave there book without finishing.

Have a wonderful and aca-mazing day!

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