Chapter 6 Cameron And Her Drum Sticks

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~beca's POV~

I woke up in the morning and jesse was gone but he left me a note.


I'm sorry I left but I had treble practice for the riff off. I'm hoping to see you later, text me when you read this.

Xx Jesse

After I read the note I saw Cameron come out of the bathroom all dressed and still holding her drum sticks.

"Hey bec!"

"Hey cam um im sorrt to ask you again but can you tell the story about the drum sticks please, I just really want to know." I said as her smile drifted away.

"I already told you its not important!" She yelled as she was walking out of the room.

After she said that I started thinking those drum sticks were special to her in away. So I grabbed my phone and texted jesse.

B- hey jesse

J- hey becster what's up.

B- jesse I wanna talk to you, when your done practice can you meet me at the trees where the bench is

J- um o-ok I'll head there now we just finished um up

B- ok bye luv you

J- um I luv you 2

I got up and got dressed. I put a black skater top on and some dark blue ripped jeans.

As I got to the trees I saw jesse sittng there looking nervous.

"Hey jess."

"Beca when you texted me you sounded kinda upset is everything ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine but I wanted to talk to you about Cameron."

"Why is she getting kicked off the bellas team? I-i don't want to be the one to talk to her!" He shrieked putting his hands up.

"You don't have to because she's not kicked off the team, but um what's with her and her drum sticks, I mean i asked her this morning and she almost literally flipped at me."

"Oh um when she was 6 she was getting bullied at school for the way she was and are dad got her a drum set and she became instantly in love with it. She was also a great player to, but one night my dad came home super drunk and he broke her drum set. He also snapped her drum sticks."

"Is that all, how does she have the drum sticks if he snap-". Jesse obviously cut me off.

"I'm not done, when she woke up in the morning and saw her drum set she flipped and stayed in her room for a couple of days. Then my dad did something he didn't mean to and he was getting arrested, my sister was told to come and say goodbye to him and she did, she just stood there though and didn't move until my dad said something to her.'Listen Cameron I didn't mean to broke your drum set and I know that you will never forgive me but I got you a new pair of drum sticks. Here you go, I'll miss you'. Those were his last words to her and she's kept those drum sticks since she got them and there her lucky charm."

"Oh my gosh. I didn't know."

"Yeah she hasn't told anyone that story and she keeps her drum sticks with her in memory of are dad. She hasn't seen him since he went to jail."

So when she was auditioning, she was holding her drum sticks. She was thinking about your dad."

"Yeah that's the thing, the only reason he got her the drum set is so she wouldn't think about what's going on at school."

"Wow. I didn't know she got bullied."

"Yeah she doesn't like telling people because then her memories come back."

"Like with my ex boyfriends." I said making jesse chuckle

"Yeah exactly." He said with a smile on his face and staring into my eyes.

As we were staring into each others eyes it started to rain, I got up and started walking back for my dorm with jesse but he held me back.

"What are you doing? Come on its starting to rain." I questioned staring into his eyes still. Before he said anything else he kissed me passionately and long.

"I held you back because in the movies when they kiss In the rain it's romantic." He said with a huge smile planted across his face.

"Your such a nerd." I said bringing him in for another kiss. As we were kissing it started thundering and lighting out so we started to run to my dorm.

"Hey jesse!" We heard a familiar voice call.

"Lisa, can I help you or something?" Jesse questioned lacing his fingers with mine.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask you to help me get a boyfriend, oh wait he's standing right in front of me." Lisa said walking up to jesse with her eyes closed and lips puckered. I held my hand and pushed her back.

"Hi, nice to know you didn't notice me but um ya you need to step off." I said with an angry look on my face.

"And why do I need to listen to you, emo chick?" Lisa said with a smirk across her face.

"Oh I'm gonna-". I got off while jesse picked me up and started walking up the stairs.

"Ok well I'll see you later jesse."

We walked into the dorm and jesse finally sat me down.

"Oh I'm gonna kill this chick if she doesn't ste-". I got cut off while I heard someone crying in the bathroom.

I Walk to the bathroom and see Cameron crying.

~Cameron's POV~

"Omg! Cameron what's wrong?" I heard beca yell.

"Well, I was walking around Campos for a while until a girl started to talk to me and be really rude. She was like 'why are you here, you don't belong here your like 9, why don't you go back to oompaloompa land or somewhere else'. I couldn't take it so I grabbed my drum sticks and she started laughing at me. So I ran back here."

"Oh cam it's ok I mean me and beca are here for you." Jesse said trying to cheer me up.


"Listen cam I tryed to be there for you i did i really did but I didn't have time, I had my stu-". I cut jesse off.

"I know I know, you had your studies. Because now a days you know studies are way more important then family." I told him getting up to leave.

"Wait cam, listen. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you were younger, but I'm here for you now as that older brother that you needed and still need now." Jesse said making me smirk.

"I know, jesse your the best brother that I have and I love you and beca I'm so sorry for walking out on you this morning it's just that the story's complicated."

"It's ok, jesse told me the story and I'm sorry that it all happened to you."

"Thanks, you feel like my sister, she is a little younger then me but your just like her." I said making both jesse and beca smile as I yawned.

"Here come on cam, you go to sleep and get your rest for tomorrow. Remeber it's the riff off." Beca said walking me to my bed.


"Well I'll head out now ladies. I love you both." Jesse said kissing me on the forehead and giving beca a kiss.

"Bye love you 2." Me and beca both said. After jesse left beca got ready for bed and we both fell asleep.

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