Chapter 27 The Winner Is......

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~Cameron's POV~

Oh ya, today is the day of the ICCAS! I can't wait to get on the stage and sing and dance my guts out. I can't wait to win. I can't wait to beat out all those other groups but most importantly the trebles. Well I just can't wait period.

It's the afternoon and all of the groups are here practicing and stuff. All the groups are in different parts of the building though so no one can steal anyone else's song or dance. The bellas, that's us, get to use the stage because are group won last year.

We're practicing and I don't get why because we're already perfect. The only problem is that Candace cant get the slightest part right because she starts singing her part and then at the end her voice sorta like takes a turn and she ends up sounding like a man. What is going on with her?

"Candace if you can't do that part I'll just give it to someone else." Beca tells her while me, chloe and the rest of the bellas are standing behind her. "I'm sorry I'm like losing my voice or some shit." She says back to beca and beca runs her hand through her hair. "Can I just give it to someone else please, I would really like it if we won." Beca says and Candaces jaw drops. Oh shit. "So your saying that if I have this part then we're gonna lose!?" She yells and beca frantically starts shaking her head no. "No Candace I didn't mean it like that!" She yells as Candace starts walking backwards. "I don't care I quit." Candace says and walks off somewhere backstage.

"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Beca starts yelling and then she sat on the stage. "We can do it without her can't we?" I asked stepping toward her and crouching down. "No because we need atleast 10 or more girls." Beca said rubbing her forehead. "I'll join!" Chloe said raising her hand and running up toward us. "Chlo you graduated you can't-." Beca started but chloe cut her off. "I actually didn't graduate because I didn't go to the ceremony and I didn't get my diploma soooooo that means that I didn't graduate and I should have a right to join the bellas." Chloe explains and beca was a little shocked.

"Wait you never graduated?" Cynthia rose asked but it wasnt really a question. "Nope never." Chloe stated and beca stood up. "Chloe Beal, you are now a member of the Barden bellas once again." Beca says and chloe started jumping up and down and hugged beca. All the other girls ran and joined the hug and I thought 'what the heck' and joined in.

"Ok girls, places, chloe you know where to stand and you know Candaces part!" Beca screamed out and I hurried to get to my spot. All the other girls got in there places and we're ready. Beca stood in her place beside me and started counting down.



"Welcome ladies and gentle, how's everyone doing tonight!" The announcer said into the microphone and everyone started cheering. "So tonight we have a bunch of different acapella groups performing from around the nation, world wide so we should get started." The announcer said and started looking at a card. "Ok first we have the aca-singers." The guy said and people cheered and a group went on stage.

At this point I didn't really care what was going on. I was backstage running the song through my head, mouthing the words and doing the dance moves. Beca was talking to chloe and Stacie about whatever, Cynthia, fat Amy and lily were all singing the song together and the rest of the girls were getting water or sitting down.

"Hey, you excited?" Jesse said surprising me because I didn't see him. "Hi, ya I'm stoked." I said taking a long breath. "Nervous?" He asked. "You know me." Is all I said letting out a sigh. "Don't worry, once you get out there it's like time stops and you and your group are the only thing that matters at that very second." He tells me and I mod my head.

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