Chapter 19 Lets Have Fun

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~beca's POV~

Today the trebles have planned a fun day for us and themselves so we can all spend some quality time with each other or as I call it they just want to get way closer to there special Bella and get in there pants.

We're all meeting the trebles at the treble house where we will find out what the plans are for today. I'm walking there with Candace, Sandra, Tiffany and Stefanie because all the other bellas decided to go there earlier I guess.

I walked up to the house and walked right in, everyone was already there obviously and they were waiting for us. "Finally here I see." Bumper said and I looked at him with a seriously look.

"Well, since your all here I will tell you what were doing today. We're gonna go to the movies, then we're all taking you lovely ladies to an amazing restaurant and after dinner we will all go to the park across from campus and do whatever we want there." Jesse explained and I smiled all the fact that we were going to the movies. Everyone nodded there head in agreement and off we went.

We arrived at the movies and we all went inside. The trebles had already gotten all the tickets, so we went and grabbed something to snack on and went into the theater. We were going to see the movie 'Into the woods'. I never saw the trailer or anything for it so I had no clue what it was about.

The movie started and it got better and better. I snuggled Into jesse a little bit and held his hand through the rest.

The movie finished and I thought it was better then any other movie I've seen in forever and it beats 'the breakfast club', which is probably really hard to beat because that's me and jesse's movie.

Everyone got in the car that they took here and we went to a very cool restaurant called 'northway'. I've never been here before but it seemed like a pretty unique place.

"Ok, stop 2, ready to go in?" Jesse questioned everyone while we all stood outside of the restaurant. "Ya." Everyone spoke at the same time. Jesse pulled the door open and held it for everyone. I was the last 1 to go in and when I did jesse grabbed my hand and pulled me back a little so he could be right beside me. I smiled at him and he smiled back with his nerdy but adorable smile.

"How may I help you all?" A guy in his early 20s asked us all. "We have a reservation." Donald replied and the man nodded his head. "Name." He said. "Swanson." Jesse responded and the man looked uo and smiled. "Yes, right this way." The man led us to a big table that seated us all.

After a couple minutes we all ordered are drinks, then ordered are food and soon everyone got what they had ordered.

Everyone was finishing up all there food, when the waiter guy came back to our table. "Everyone doing ok?" He questioned and everyone nodded there heads. "Ya, can you bring us the bill please?" Jesse asked pushing his plate back as in saying he's done. "Yes right away and I'll send some others to collect your plates and such." He said and jesse smiled and nodded at him as in saying thank you.

The guy brought the bill to our table and some others came and gathered up our plated like the guy had said. All the trebles payed a certain amount of money for the meal and they wouldn't let us help out.

We all got up and started out the door of the restaurant when I saw stacie exchanging glances with the waiter guy. I saw Donald walking over there and lacing his fingers with Stacies and explaining to the guy that she's taken. I started to laugh and jesse looked at me like I was lost my mind.

I pointed toward Stacie and Donald and he started laughing to and led me out the door. I looked up at the sky and it was so beautiful when it was dark.

"The sky is so beautiful with all the stars shining in it." I said and jesse looked at me and smiled. "Not as beautiful as you are." He responded and I smiled back at him and kissed him. Everyone went and got in a car and drive to the park across from the campus.

I got out of the car and saw that there was a whole bonfire set up. "Wow this looks amazing." Is all I could manage to say. "Ya the guys have been setting this up all morning." Jesse said. "Wow." I said again and he smiled.

We all went and gathered around the campfire and ate smores and marshmellows until bumper pulled out a guitar from behind where he was sitting.

"So, who wants to sing a song?" He asked and everyone nodded there head and said sure. He started playing the guitar and soon I caught on to what we were singing.

"Ho hey, ho hey, ho I've been trying to do it right, I've been living a lonely life

I've been sleeping here instead, I've been sleeping in my bed, I've been sleeping in my bed!" The trebles sang and I soon caught on and so did the bellas and joined.

"Ho, ho so show me family, all the blood that I will bleed, I don't know where I belong, I don't know where I went wrong

But I can right a song, 1 2 3, I belong with you, you belong with me in my sweet heart, I belong with you, you belong with me in my sweet ho, hey!" Everybody sang perfectly, we sang that for pretty much the whole night.

Jesse and I also cuddled under the stars a little bit and made out, a lot, but that's not the point, this was probably the best night I've ever spent with these guys and it's clear to see that there all really special to me.

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