Chapter 4 Who To Choose?

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~beca's POV~

So I woke up in the morning to someone singing in the shower. I got up and noticed it was Cameron and not someone from a different dorm.

As I got dressed I put a black tank top on, a dark red checkered button up and some sneakers.

After I was done getting dressed Cameron walked out all dressed and holding her drum sticks.

"Cameron, why do you have those drum sticks if you don't even have a drum set?" I questioned.

"It's just Uh um it's um nothing to important don't even worry about it." She said with a small smile on her face.

"Oh ok then." I said as I walked out of the room to go meet up with the other bellas. When I walked into fat Amy's room I noticed not everyone was there and the ones so we're didn't have nice looks on there faces.

"Guys what's wrong and where's everyone else?"

"Well the other girls dropped out and now we don't just need 2 girls we need 5 or 6." Stacie said with a glum look.

"Ok we can do that okay don't be so bummed about it. We are going to get the 5 best girls who audition ok. Ok!" I said raising my voice a little at the end.

"Yeah!" All the girls said.

So I guess it was time, we were all walking to the hall for the auditions. "Hey guys can I join you on your walk?" Cameron questioned.

"Of course come on." Fat Amy said really happy.

As we all walked in the hall Cameron went to go sit down in her seat. I was looking around and I didn't see jesse or the trebles anywhere.

"Of course the guys are late like always." Fat Amy complained.

"Actually we are right on time." Donald said walking in behind everyone with the rest of the trebles.

We walked to are seats and just waited. Lily, Stacie, Synthia, fat Amy and I talked about songs that we could choose for them all to sing until I got a text.

I pulled my phone out and it was jesse.

J- hey what are you girls talking about?

B- hi we are talking about the song that should be sung but you don't really need to know that.

J- ok then wanna make plans for later I mean you could probably come to my dorm or I could come to yours?

B- yeah we could probably go and hang out in my dorm.

J- maybe watch a-". At that moment fat Amy said to pay attention and she scared the living sh*t out of me.

"Holy sh*t Amy you scared me half to death Jesus." I said breathing heavily.

"Yeah well that's that's a good thing, PAY ATTENTION!" She yelled in my ear as I got another text.

J- so you r getting in more and more treble I see, I guess IL see you later bye luv you.

B- bye luv you 2.

After that I put my phone in my pocket and the 2 guys that run this walked out on stage and started talking. I didn't hear a word they said because I was to busy exchanging glances with jesse until Fat Amy said what song are we gonna do.

"Oh yeah right "I said under my breath.

"Alright nerds let's go with starships by: Nicki Minaj!"

As we got a huge stack of papers, I was wondering how we could just choose 5 girls with this many auditioners.

As the first person walked on stage they were auditioning for the trebles so I didn't really care, but I payed a little attention.

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