Chapter 7 Bad Things At The Riff Off

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~beca's POV~

So I woke up this morning and remembered that tonight's the riff off. I've been thinking for a while now that I should surprise jesse with something special and I finally thought of something.

I grabbed one of my empty hard drives and plugged it into my laptop. I put all the songs from the movie the breakfast club on it and added a little slide show at the end telling jesse that I really do love him.

When I finished up I put a fresh pair of clothes on and Cameron woke up.

"Hey where you going?" She asked as I was sliding my shoes on.

"Oh I was just going to see jesse." I replied standing up and opening the door.

"Oh ok I'll see you later." She said as I closed the door.

So I walked to the boys dorm building and saw Benji walking down the stairs.

"Hey Benji,  is jesse up yet?" I questioned as Benji stood in front of me.

"Um ya but you might not wanna go up there right now." Benji replied with a I'm-so-sorry-for-you look on his face.

"Benji what's going on?" I questioned feeling a little nervous about going up there now.

"Never mind it's nothing, but I'm really sorry." Benji said walking outside looking like he was about to cry.

As Benji walked away I started walking up the stairs until I was at jesse's dorm hall, I turned the corner and tears began to fall from my eyes.

"YOU COULD'VE BROKEN UP WITH ME BEFORE YOU CHEATED ON ME YOU ASS!" I yelled as jesse turned to face me.

"Beca! I can explain everything!" He shrieked as he ran and grabbed my arm.

"Ok go right the fuck the ahead!" I yelled making people come out of there dorms, even a few trebles.

"That was for a skit in drama class, beca I only love you." Jesse said looking in my eyes with his puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah right, I've heard that before don't worry, let me ask lisa." I said turning into water works.

"Lisa are you and jesse dating?" I asked her looking straight in her eyes as if I was taking her soul.

"Yeah, we got together last night when he came back to his dorm from yours, I mean I even spent the night."

"Has jesse told you he loves you?" I asked her with more and more tears dripping down my face.

"Yeah plenty of times last night and this morning! We even watched the breakfast club last night before we went to bed!" She shrieked so excitedly.

When I heard those words the breakfast club, I couldn't help but just burst into tears and run.

"Wait beca!" Jesse yelled grabbing my arm again.

"Let me go! How could you? I trusted you and you did everything my exs did to me." I said getting out of his grip and throwing the hard drive at him.

I don't know what just happened, I feel like I just got hit by a semi truck and I've died in side.

~jesse's POV~

As beca ran away crying she threw a hard drive directly at me, so I thought that I should listen to it.

"So jess are we gonna get back to what we were just doing?" Lisa asked coming in for another kiss.

"NO! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY LIFE, THIS HAPPENED ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" I said walking past her and into my dorm slamming the door behind me.

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