Chapter 15 We Have Visitors

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~Cameron's POV~

I'm sitting on my bed with my headphones on listening to music when suddenly beca and the bellas came straight into the room. I wondered what was going on and they all emediatly sat down and started talking, but I couldn't understand a word even with my headphones off.

"Um hey, what's with this?" I asked confused. "Oh hey, well we have a couple visitors coming to see how the bellas are doing, you don't know them but when you meet them you will just love them!" Beca explained.

"Oh ok, nice to know when are your so called visitors getting here?" I questioned. "There coming later this afternoon, but we have to make sure we look like we're super good and ready for the ICCAs because 1 of the girls that's coming with freak and try and help if we aren't." Stacie explained to me like beca did.

"Ok, well I'm just gonna like go to the quad or something While you guys talk about your visitors and when you need me text me."I said while getting up and leaving. I walked out onto the quad and didn't really have anything whatsoever to do. I went and sat under a small tree, until some trebles came along and greeted me.

I had my headphones on and pretended that I didn't see them standing there, it's pretty funny watching them trying to get my attention. When I finally looked uo from my phone I started to giggle.

"Finally you look up jeez, well hi." Jesse greeted. "Hi to you to." I greeted back. "What are you doing out here alone?" Donald questioned.

"Oh, all the bellas are in my dorm and there preparing for some visitors or some crap like that." I responded.

"Was Amy in your dorm to?" I heard someone from the back say and his voice wasn't so familiar.

"Who just said that?" I asked as the guy made his way through the group of trebles. "I did, I'm bumper and I sure as hell don't know who you are." He said.

"I'm jesse's little sister, happy you know who I am now." I replied with a voice tone of such obviousness. "Oh I guess it's sort of nice to meet you." He said. I roled my eyes and stood up right when my phone vibrated. I looked at the message and speaking of Amy it was from her.

(A=Amy    C=Cameron)

A- hey youngster, are visitors are supposed to be coming in about 20-30 minutes and beca thought it would be a good idea for you to get down to the auditorium where the rest of us are

C- ok Amy, I'll be down there in about 5 minutes bye

A- see ya

Are conversation ended and I put my phone back in my pocket. I looked at the guys and made a sad face.

"I'm guessing you have to leave?" Jesse questioned and I just nodded. "Well it was nice seein you cam, see again soon. Bye love ya." Jesse said as he started walking away with his group. "Bye love ya!" I yelled back and he waved bye.

I started my journey over to the auditorium, it was boring, silent and lonely.

I got to the auditorium and I threw open the doors and walked in all cool like. I looked at all the bellas scrambling around and hoping that they look good and that there ready to face the visitors. I just walked up to beca who was texting on her phone and not scrambling around or looking worried.

"Hey, what's with the girls, I've never ever seen them like this?" I asked. "Oh there just worried that the visitors will get mad if they don't know what there doing or something." She answered back.

"Oh, interesting." I said right when the doors opened and 2 girls walked in that I didn't know. 1 of the girls was a blonde with a really stern look ok her face, the other girl was a ginger, she had a smile planted on her face and she was really perky.

"BELLAS!" The ginger yelled. All the new bellas and I stepped back and watched as all the old bellas swarmed the 2 girls. We were standing in a line, I was on one of the ends of the line and I was watching as the blonde and the ginger made there way over to us.

"You all must be the new bellas!" The blonde shrieked. "And you must be barbie!" I replied in return. The blondes eyebrows went up and her mouth opened in shock of my words. I wasn't smiling at all but all the other bellas were, even the ginger.

"Excuse me young lady, what did you just say to me?" The blonde asked. "You heard exactly what I said are you def or something because by the looks of your facial expression you heard exactly what I said." I explained, She looked back at beca and beca was holding in her laugh.

Beca stepped forward and introduced all the new bellas. "And this is Cameron, she's the youngest one in the group." Beca explained to the girls. "Well im chloe and this aubury, we were in the group last year, aubury was captain and I was Co, aubury and I graduated last year and we thought that we would come and visit." The ginger spoke. All the new bellas said hi except for me, I just stood there and looked at them.

The ginger looked at me and started walking toward where I was standing. She stood in front of me with a big smile on her face.

"Hi, so you must be the famous Cameron I have been hearing about!" She said really enthusiasticly. "You must be the perky ginger I've never heard about." I replied with a fake smile. Her smile faded away and she seemed a bit upset.

"I've never been mentioned?" She questioned. "Not to me, the only time you've ever been mentioned to me is this morning when I found out there were visitors coming to see us." I responded. "Oh, that's ok I guess and by the way I have a name and it's chloe." She said. "By the way I like calling you ginger." I said back. She smiled and I just looked at her.

"Well, you 2 have a big connection there." The blonde said. She walked toward me and ginger and stood beside her. "I'm aubury." She said. "Well to me your not aubury, your blonde." I replied back and she got angry. "Listen Cameron, I think we will get along better if you call me aubury." She said as her face started getting red with anger. "And I don't think we will get along either way." I replied as beca stepped up and started small talk.

"Ok, well it's nice to know everyone has met, now let's go over there and talk about whatevers on people's minds how about that ladies." Beca said with a half smile. I agreed and started walking over toward the chairs all the other bellas were sitting in, I sat down on one and just to my surprise the blonde sat right across from me. Everyone was just sitting there when Amy started talking.

"Well enough of the silence, beca how have you and your sexy piece of man candy been doing?" She asked, which caused some of the bellas to giggle. "Really good actually." She responded.

"Oh beca, who are you dating?" The blonde questioned. "Jesse." Beca replied, I giggled and mumbled she really is barbie under my breath but I think she heard me. "Your dating a treble, beca how dare you break the oath." The blonde said looking really mad now. "What's your problem blonde, pretty much all of us are dating a trebles, except for Cynthia sorry." I said, Cynthia sat back in her chair and she said it's ok, blonde stood up and looked more shocked then anyone.

"How dare you all date a treble!" Blonde screamed and I stood up and started walking out because I was tired about this stupid stuff. "Hey where you going Cameron, afraid to get yelled at by me or something don't be a chicken!" She yelled to me as I walked out the doors. I started nodding my head and put my headphones on, I put my play list on shuffle and walked back to my dorm.

Wow I thought, what a great day I mean I met someone named bumper, I met ginger and blonde and found out blonde likes to yell and get in fights, again what a great day I had.

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