Chapter 21 Somethings Wrong

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~beca's POV~

I woke up again and saw that Stacie was up. I looked at jesse and he was sleeping peacefully, so I didn't bother him, I mean he went through a lot yesterday.

"Hey bec, your awake." Stacie said pulling me from my thoughts of jesse. "Hey." I said yawning. "How did you sleep?" She asked. "Just fine." I replied and she smiled and nodded.

I sat layed back on the couch and watched as Stacie speed texted from across the room.

"Hey beautiful." I heard jesse whisper scaring the hell out of me. "Holy shit jesse you scared the hell out of me!" I whisper yelled at him and he just smiled. "I'm sorry." He said and I smiled. "It's fine, I've got some news." I said and he looked at me with a serious face. "What's wrong, are you ok?" He questioned sitting up. I sat up to and got comfortable while he just stared at me.

"I'm fine and so is Cameron, the surgery was successful and she's gonna be fine." I said and he started tearing up and then pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you so much." He said and I made a weird face. "For what?" I asked and he pulled out the hug but he was still holding me. "For telling me some of the best news ever." He replied and I smiled at him.

He pulled me close again and kissed me. We were pretty much making out now. "Hey, you know im still in the room." Stacie said looking up from her phone. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his and smiled. "We'll continue are little session later." I spoke and he nodded his head a little.

It's now 9:22 and everyone's awake. Jesse and I have been waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us that we can see Cameron but we haven't seen him. Everyone's doing there own little thing right now, some are reading, others on there phones and then there son hoping for the best that she will stay ok.

"Beca and jesse!" Someone yelled pulling me from my thoughts again. "That's us." Jesse said grabbing my hand and pulling me up from the couch. "Hi, I'm nurse mconnell and I'm here to tell you that Cameron is awake and she would like to see you." The lady spoke and and jesse had the hugest smile on his face. "Thank you, what room?" I questioned and the lady flipped a couple pages. "Room 919." She said and jesse nodded and dragged me down to the hall.

"Ow, jesse you can let go I know how to walk." I said and he stopped and smiled at me. "Sorry, I'm just excited." He said while letting my hand be free. I nodded and we kept walking down the hall. We eventually reached Cameron's door and jesse stopped right in front of it.

"Ready?" I questioned and jesse took a deep breath. "Ready." He responded back and turned tell door handle. The door opened a bit and all it revealed was Cameron laying on her bed looking at the ceiling. I pushed the door open more and walked in. I don't think Cameron heard us coming in because she didn't look at anything but the ceiling.

Jesse stopped in the middle of the floor and just looked at her. I stopped beside him and looked at her to, she didn't look like she was in pain and she seemed very calm.

"Hey cam." Jesse finally spoke and she looked at him and had a blank face. "Hi." She said in a small scratchy voice. "How are you feeling?" Jesse questioned and he took a step closer. "It hurts still but other then that I'm fine." She said in another scratchy voice, this doesn't seem right.

"Cameron are you sure your ok?" I questioned getting more and more concerned. She didn't speak and her heartbeat monitor got slower. Jesse ran to her side and grabbed her hand. Her heartbeat monitor got slower and slower and jesse's breathing got faster and faster as he started crying. Doctors raced in the room and started to roll Cameron away but jesse wouldn't let her hand go.

"Sir, you have to let go." One of the doctors said. "No, I'm not letting go." Jesse replied and a couple of the doctors started holding him back and tryed to get him to let her hand go. "Let go!" The doctor yelled and jesse stood there with anger in his eyes. "No." Jesse responded and the doctors took hold again and started pulling him back as the other doctors rolled Cameron out of the room.

"NO! Let me stay with her!" Jesse yelled in tears. "You will just have to wait until she is done." The other doctor said. Jesse stopped trying and stood there, the doctors let go and left me to watch jesse.

Jesse just stood there crying. I took a step closer to him and he fell into my arms crying his heart out. "Why bec why, why did it have to be Cameron, why?" Jesse questioned but wasn't really looking for an answer. "I don't know." I said back even though that's probably not something he wanted to hear.

"Bec promise you'll stay with me." He said and I pulled away from the hug and looked into his eyes. "Of course, nothing will ever come between us again." I responded back and he fell into my arms again. After about a minute of standing there I pulled out of the hug and laced my fingers with his and led him back to the waiting room.

We got to the waiting room and everyone looked at us like last night, except this time we didn't say anything and jesse burst out crying. They looked at him and knew that something happened. Fat Amy got up and came over to me. "What happened?" She questioned looking me right in the eye.

"We were in the room and Cameron's heartbeat started getting lower and lower, so them the doctors came in and took her away." I explained and she nodded her head and started to tear up. After a second she picked me up in her arms and hugged me tight. I didn't know what to do because I couldn't move whatsoever so I didn't do anything.

Fat Amy finally put me down and walked back to her chair, I walked over to jesse and put him on the couch we slept on last night. He didn't move at all when I put him on the couch, he sat there deep in thought, so I decided to bring him out of his thoughts and back into reality.

"Jess come on, let's not think about that right now." I said and he looked at me and nodded his head. I layed back in his arms and he held me tight.

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