Chapter 23 I'm Sorry

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Hey guys im sorry for not updating but I've been really busy lately moving and school and crap like that but I'm finally back!! No more wait and thank u to everyone who waited for this chapter to be up, here we go!!
~beca's POV~

'Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me, don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me, don't cha!' I heard my phone ringing the ring tone I put for Stacies contact and I scramble to get to it just so it would stop playing.

(S=Stacie    B=Beca)

B- hello

S- beca, I have 1 word to say to you

B- and that is

S- practice

B- oh shit, I'm late aren't I

S- ya your later then usual

B- god damn it, I'll be there in a few ok

S- ok bye

I put my phone away and got changed into some sweat pants and a black tank top. I put my shoes on and left my dorm. I walked down the hallway and when I got outside I started running.

I got to the auditorium and calmed my breath before walking in. I walked in and the girls were all practicing and then I noticed Cameron. She was practicing along and I had no clue how to tell her she doesn't need to because she's not performing.

"Hey bec!" She said cheerfully, happy to be back. "Hey uh cam can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I ask her with a blank look. "Ok um ok." She said giving a confused look. We walk outside and she crosses her arms as a signal for me to start talking.

"Um well I don't really know how to say this but uh, y-you can't perform with us at the ICCAs." I stuttered hardly able to get the words out. She looked really shocked and she was on the edge of crying.

"W-why not!?" She questioned. "The doctor said, just in case you injure yourself more or something happens on stage." I replied hoping she wouldnt start screaming at me.

"Really is that the truth or do u just not want me part of the bellas?" She questioned again. "Cameron I love you like your my sister and I love having you on the team but it's doctors orders." I answered and she took off running.

I walked back into the auditorium and all the girls looked at me. "I'm guessing you told Cameron?" Synthia rose asked and I nodded my head. "She thought I was kicking her off the team because I didn't like her but it was for her safety." I explained and they nodded there heads. A couple tears ran down my cheeks and Stacie gave me a hug.

"It's ok you had to tell her." Stacie said and I nodded my head again. "But she ran away crying and that just brakes my Stone cold heart." I said jokingly and Stacie giggled and wiped my tears away. "Let's just practice ok, get your mind off it." Stacie said and I smiled at her and nodded slightly.

I walked toward the other girls and they all smiled at me. Chloe counted us in and we started singing and dancing are moves but it didn't feel the same for some reason.
Very short update I know but atleast I updated it.

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