Not My Fault

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What's uppppppppppppp?

I haven't been on I so long, I got on and I had like 99+ notifications to attend too.

So, I went through everything and quite a few things were about how there is a second movie or whatever because I'm pretty sure at the beginning of this book I was saying that this is the version if there ever was a second movie.

There's a second movie, I know. I was like 11 or 12 when I wrote this and didn't know that there would be a second movie yet.

Then there's people saying how chloe didn't graduate and how she should be there. THIS IS MY VERSION OF THE SECOND MOVIE. So not everything is the same, things are different, obviously.

People are correcting my spelling. Again, 11 or 12 and if I spelled something wrong I blame auto correct. This book is unedited because I'm too lazy to go through it and fix every single mistake I've made.


I think that's all. In pretty sure I got through everything I needed too.

Thanks for reading, I'm glad a lot of people like this book and the second book to 'Pitch perfect after Barden' will be coming soon!

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