Chapter 9 Apologies Are Accepted Part 2

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(Still that day)

~Cameron's POV~

After I got my surprise, I decided it would be a good idea to go back to jesse's dorm to think of ideas to get beca to forgive him because it would be awkward if she walked in are dorm and jesse was there.

We were in jesse's dorm and tanner's arm was around my shoulders as we were trying to think of ideas.

"So..... anyone got an idea yet?" Jesse said breaking the silence in the room.

"I think I might have one. But we would need lots of people to help out with it." I said thinking more about it.

"Ok, we can get more people, what's the plan?" Tanner questioned with a smirk on his face like thats-my-girl.

"Well I will get beca in my dorm and I will somehow get her to put a blind fold on and bring her over here where your laptop will be set up and something will be on it like a note and then someone else will bring her to the field you guys used to sit in, then someone will take her to where the auditions are usually held at the beginning of the year aired the trebles including you guys will sing a song for her, showing just how much you love her and care only for her." I said trying to catch my breath.

"And what if that goes wrong?" Jesse asked.

"Then we're doomed and she will hate your forever big bro." I said with a smile on my face.

"Well ok, I'm in." He said with a smile on his face.

"Ok well tanner you go get the trebles at the treble house, jesse you make notes for both the Stations and figure out the song you will sing to her and I will just try and get the bellas on are side." I said loosing my breath once again.

"Ok I'll meet you at your dorm when I get the trebles. Bye." Tanner said leaving.

~5 minutes later~

~jesse's POV~

So we're sitting in my dorm trying to figure everything out when I finally come up with the first note. I will make a hard drive like she did for me and do the same thing, I'll put the breakfast club songs on it and I'll make a little note while the songs play it will say.

'Beca I know what I did to you was a dick move and I'm more sorry then I ever have been in my life (well this time and when I broke Cameron's drum sticks) but I just want you to know lisa came on to me first and she lied about everything that happened that night, I know you think I'm lying but she just wanted to get rid of you and get back with me. So me and Cameron made this little plan (mostly cameron) So you will see how much I love and care about only you and no other girl. (But my sister of course.)'

"Hey cam I made the first note, are you ready to head to your dorm before the guys get there?" I asked.

"Yeah come on, but when we get there you need to hide in the bathroom or I bet the guys will just leave when they see you. Ok." Cameron told me.

"Ya, ok." I said putting his laptop on the table.

I opened the door and led Cameron out the door and locked it behind us. As we started walking down the hallway I put my arm around her shoulders like a good big brother does and she put he arm around my waist and smiled to me, like a good little sister does.

~tanner's POV~

I was rushing through the forest trying to find the treble house, when I finally caught a glimpse of it. I ran to the porch and opened the door and all the other trebles staired at me.

"Hey what's up tan?" Donald asked me.

"Nothing really I just ran through the forest trying to get here to tell you guys something." I said between breaths.

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