Chapter 20 It Will Be Fine

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~Cameron's POV~

Ever since the other night when the trebles took us bellas out my stomach has been really hurting, it hurts more then braking your arm. I've been laying in my bed for the past few days and I can hardly move, it's hard to breath sometimes and it just hurts so bad.

Im not exactly sure whats happening, but I think that I'm getting a really bad case of the flu or something, hopefully i will be better soon. I got dragged from my thoughts when I saw beca come in the room.

"Hey beca." I said and she walked over to me and smiled. "Hey cam, you feeling any better?" She asked and I gave her a slight smile. "Ya, I thi-." Right then a really sharp pain went through my stomach.

"OW!" I screamed and beca looked really concerned now. "Cameron, I think we need to get you to a doctor." She said and I shook my head no. "No, please no, I hate hospitals." I responded in pain but she looked at me with a look I couldn't refuse.

"Cameron there's something wrong and I don't want you to go through the pain anymore, we're going to a hospital." She said and I couldn't refuse. "Fine." I replied and she gave me a small smile and tryed helping me up. She pulled the blankets back and grabbed my hands.

"Ok, on 3 I'm going to pull you up. 1...2...3." She said and started pulling. "OW!" I screamed again and she stopped pulling. "Well that's not gonna work I guess. Um I'll go find jesse and maybe he can try and help." Beca said and walked out the door.

~beca's POV~

I left the room and went to try and find jesse. I walked outside and looked around the quad, wasn't there, I went up to his dorm, wasn't there, I walked all the way to the treble house and of course he wasn't there. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

B- hey

I sent him the text and waited. It was about 10 minutes after that when he finally answered back.

J- hey bec, what's up

B- nothing but I really need your help

J- why?? Are you ok??

B- I'm just fine, it's Cameron who's not

J- what's wrong with Cameron??

B- her stomach got worse and I need help getting her out to my car

J- ok, I'm coming to your dorm

B- ok I'll be there bye love you

J- love you

I put my phone away and ran to my dorm. I was walking up the stairs when someone was trying to push past me. "Hey, can you not wait a minute!" I shrieked and the person stopped pushing.

"Sorry." I heard him say, I recognized his voice. I turned around and obviously it was jesse. "Sorry for yelling at you, I didn't know it was you." I said and he nodded his head and smiled. I started running up the stairs at this point and just about fell but saved myself.

I ran down the hall with jesse following behind me and opened the door to reveal Cameron in serious pain. "Cameron we have to get you to the hospital." Jesse said. "Jess she can hardly move, that's why I needed your help." I explained and he looked at me then back to Cameron. He went to her bedside and picked her up bridal style and carried her out to my car.

He layed her across the backseat and got in the passenger seat. I got in the drivers seat and drove to the hospital. I saw out of the corner of my eye that jesse was trying his hardest to comfort her, I don't think I've ever seen him this concerned for a someone.

I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and quickly parked the car in an empty spot. Jesse jumped out of the car and picked Cameron up again and she looked like she was about to scream, but she held it back.

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