Chapter 26 Better, Way better, Actually Better Then Better

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~Cameron's POV~

Today is that day. Yes you all guessed it I'm going to the hospital for the appointment that will decide if I die or not! Wait a minute. I just got really caught up in the moment, I'm not going to die......I'm not going to die. This appointment will determine if I'm going to be performing or if I'm going to become a loser for the rest of my life. I can't wait until the doctor blurts out you can-. "Earth to Cameron!" Beca yelled as she stood right in front of me.

"Huh, what happened?" I asked and she shook her head with a smile on her face. "Are you ready to go or not? Jesse's waiting outside in his car and he said if he doesn't got a lot of gas by the time we get back then I have to pay for the gas." She explained and all I did was run out of the room and down to the car.

I jumped in the back seat of the car and jesse looked at me. "Where's beca?" He questioned and then the dorm building door swung open revealing beca. "Right there." I answered and then she got in the car. "Thanks for leaving me." She said to me and finished buckling her seat belt. "No problem I just wanted to get down here faster." I said and smiled a huge smile. "Just because you can run fast doesn't mean you will be able to perform, remember it's a up to the doctor." She told me as jesse started up the car. I nodded my head and before jesse started driving out of here, him and beca kissed. I smiled more and giggled a little. "Come on jeca, no PDA when I'm in the car." I said and beca looked back at me shaking her head holding back a laugh. Jesse just burst out laughing.

"Is that what everyone's calling us now, wow." Jesse said laughing more.

The rest of the car ride was silent except for the small talk between beca and jesse but I wasn't listening because I was to excited! We're almost there, I'm gonna find out my future today. It's ride or die time.......jeez I think I've lost it.

We arrived at the hospital and when jesse parked the car I immediately jumped out of the car and started running until beca stopped me. "This time your gonna walk with us." She told me and I sighed. We started walking and when we walked into the hospital I Felt a little jittery.

The 3 of us walked up to the front desk and there was a younger lady sitting behind the desk about beca and jesse's age. She looked up from her computer and smiled at us. "How may I help you 3 today?" She asked and beca and jesse looked at me but I looked away. "Ok then, we're here to see-." Beca started but got cut off. "Hey. Beca, jesse, Cameron. Are you here to see me?" MY doctor asked us and beca smiled. "Hi, yes we are." Beca said and the doctor waved his hand for us to follow, but before we got far the lady behind the desk stopped jesse and that made me and beca stop.

"Hi, I'm layle, ever wanna a friend or something give me a call, if you know what I mean." She said handing jesse a piece of paper and I looked at beca, she looked furious. "I'm guessing you have a death wish you little bi-." Beca started, walking up more toward the desk but jesse stopped her. "Ok I don't want your number and if I ever wanna friend or a girlfriend I would go with this lady right here." He said putting his arm around beca and beca lightened up a bit. "Well I was just saying in case anything happens between you 2." She said and beca looked like she was about to hit her but jesse stopped her again and led her toward where the doctor was standing because he was waiting on us.

The doctor led us down a long hallway and into a room. I was told to sit on the bed and I did and beca and jesse sat on a couple chairs that were in the room. "Ok well Cameron how are you feeling?" The doctor asked me. "I'm feeling better, way better, Actually better then better." I told him and he chuckled. "Ok, have you been active like getting outside, running around, playing sports maybe?" He questioned and I nodded my head.

"I'm practically always outside on the quad with beca and jesse, I'm usually running around and no I don't play sports." I answered and he nodded while writing some things down on some papers. "Has your stomach or anything been hurting?" He asked me and I shook my head no. "Stand up for me and do some stretchs so I can see for myself that you don't wince in pain and your not lying to me." He said to me and I did so.

I stood up and started doing random stretchs like bending down, bending side to side, you know the basics.

"Ok, well I'm gonna go run through some things and I'll come back with the news." The doctor finally said after a couple minutes and left. "Well that went well......I think." I said and jesse chuckled.

"I think you did just fine, you'll be performing before you know it." Beca told me and I nodded my head. "What happens if I can't perform?" I blurt out not even thinking about. Beca looked at me shocked for a moment then spoke. "If you can't perform then you can stand backstage and do backstage stuff." She said and I nodded my head.

"Think positive, don't think that you won't be able to perform, beleive in yourself." Jesse encouraged and I smiled. "Ok, mind set to think positive." I said pretending to click buttons on my head.

Then the door suddenly just opened and there stood the doctor with a non happy looking look. "So?" I asked not happy by the look on his face. "Well, I just did some talking with some of the doctors and nurses that gave you the surgery and we have come to the conclusion that," He paused for a second, I'm guessing for dramatic effect, "you can perform." He finished and smiled at me.

I can perform!

I'm like the happiest person on earth right now. I started jumping up and down then ran and hugged the doctor. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I said over and over again. "No problem." He said and walked out of the room. Jesse stood up and I ran and hugged him. "I can perform, I can perform!" I started saying and he laughed. Beca stood up and hugged her to and she looked super happy. "I'm so glad that the bellas have someone like you on the team." She said and I smiled big and wide showing my pearly white teeth.

We started walking out of the room and before we left the hospital completly we said our goodbyes to the doctor. Beca glared at the lady that was behind the desk who earlier tryed to get with jesse and I held back a laugh.

We got to the car and I hopped in the back. "So how happy are you right now?" Jesse asked me while starting up the car. "Like happier then happy itself." I said and jesse and beca laughed.

"You wanna know something that I'm super confident about?" I asked as we pulled up to a red light. Beca looked at me signaling for me to keep talking. "I'm super confident that were gonna beat the trebles." I said and jesse burst out laughing. "Ya right! Not for a second time!" Jesse practically yelled. "I'm positive that we will." I said and beca looked at jesse with a smile.

"Shut up and don't look at me." He said and continued driving. Beca and I laughed and jesse rolled his eyes at us. I can't wait to perform at Lincoln Center.

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