Chapter 16 We're Staying

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~Cameron's POV~

I was sitting on the quad with tanner, jesse, beca, fat Amy and bumper. We all weren't really doing anything, we were just sitting there talking about random things.

"So bumper, how did you exactly get the name bumper?" I questioned. "Oh, well my parents always told me that the name came to them when they were in a car. I always thought because of the bumper on a car, so ya." Bumper explained, I nodded my head and giggled.

"So, beca, amy Remember blond, gosh she's so strict and stupid." I said and beca and fat Amy just smiled. Bumper, jesse and tanner looked really confused."1 word to explain it all guys, tanner you won't know what this means but jesse and bumper will, aubury." Beca exclaimed. Jesse and bumper nodded and laughed, but tanner still looked super confused.

"Tanner aubury is just some stupid bitch who thinks she can win a fight." I explained and jesse raised his eyebrows to what I said, Tanner nodded his head saying he gets it. After that you would never guess who walked up to us.

"Hey Cameron, beca, amy, cute little boy and the 2 losers no one cares about, what are you guys up to?" Blonde asked, ginger elbowed her and she kept a smile on her face. "Hey aubury, it's nice to see that you still don't like us and just saying me and bumper aren't losers and we have some beautiful ladies that really care about us lots." Jesse exclaimed winking at beca, she smiled and auburys smile faded away really fast.

"Whatever and who is this cute little boy?" She asked staring right at tanner. "He's my boyfriend, take your eyes away from him or somethings gonna happen." I said being a little over protective.

"Oh ok, but I thought you were dating a treble?" She asked again, I was getting really pissed at her stupidness. "He is a treble can you get any stupider, I mean really, if I said yesterday that I was dating a treble and he's my boyfriend then you should already asume that he's a treble!" I shrieked, beca, amy, jesse and bumper just started laughing.

"Well I mean I can get a lot stupider, but I'm obviously not going to and also me and Chloe came to say that were staying." Aubury said looking at me with a big smile. My jaw dropped when I head those 2 words 'were staying'.

"What?" Is all I could manage to say. "Ya, chloe and I were talking to the office and it turns out that there's a dorm with no one in it, so we took it and were gonna stay here and make sure the bellas are doing good." Aubury explained and I just had a blank face.

I calmed myself and put a fake smile on my face. "Well, that's great blond, I can't wait to become the best of friends." I said and she just smiled back to me. "Unless I rip your head off first." I mumbled under my breath to make sure no one heard me, but beca elbowed me and I smiled again.

"Well, I sure can't wait to become friends with you." Ginger stepped in. "Ya, I just can't wait either." I responded and just kept staring at blonde. I stood up and said that I was gonna go for a walk, tanner followed me and we went for a walk together.

~beca's POV~

Well, that couldn't have gone any better. Cameron and aubury have a serious hatred against each other and just to make everything even more better there going to be working together.

"Well, I guess we should go now, see you tomorrow bye." Aubury said, she and Chloe waved goodbye and walked away. "That couldn't have gone better." I said and jesse and bumper chuckled.

"Well, there's something me and my sister have in common at least, we both hate aubury to the ends of the earth and back." Jesse explained and I laughed and snuggled into his chest more.

"Well, I think aubury might end up in the hospital soon though because her and Cameron probably won't be getting along during Bella practice." I exclaimed.

"Ya and it rocks that were the ones that are gonna witness it all go down." Amy joked and we all laughed.

Ya at least there will be someone to take aubury to the hospital, I thought to myself.

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