Chapter 14 Nationals

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I'm sitting in my dorm with the bellas and we're all chatting away, some of the bellas are talking about how there dating trebles and then the the others are just sitting there talking about random stuff that came to there head.

"So is everyone ready for nationals tomorrow!?" I announced. Everyone agreed with excitement.

We started talking about what we were singing tomorrow. After a little while all the girls left and it was just me and Cameron. "So cam you ready?" I questioned.

"Obviously, dude I'm like super excited, after we finished Regionals, I felt confident that I could do anything and I'm ready." She replied, I was happy for her, she's a really nice girl and I'm glad we're friends and all.

(The day of nationals)

I woke up this morning and decided to wake Cameron from her deep deep sleep. She got up and started frantically blinking her eyes, I went over to the curtains and opened them, it was raining.

I got dressed and texted the bellas to meet me downstairs in the lounge area of the building. I went down there and almost everyone was there. When everyone got there I decided that we should start are journey to wherever we had to go for nationals.

We went to the bus we had rented and drove off, except this year when we got the bus it had a full tank and we didn't have to worry about flying burritos or anything.

Amy was driving the bus again this year and like last year I'm sitting behind her, Cameron's sitting across from me with her legs up on the seat and her headphones on, Stacies sitting alone in the middle of the bus, Cynthia is sitting with lily and the other girls are just scattered around at the back and in the middle.

I was talking to Cameron from across the bus when my phone went off, I looked at the caller ID and it was jesse.

B- hey nerd

J- hey million dollar baby, what's up

B- sitting on the bus, heading to the nationals place, what about you

J- well um pretty much the same but uh we have a slight problem

B- are you guys okay

J- ya perfectly fine but um are bus sorta broke down and the engines won't start back up

B- oh sorry to hear

J- are you getting the hint at all

B- what are you talking about

J- are you serious beca

B- I'm just kidding, where are you guys and we will come and pick you up

J- bakers road by the old barn on highway 42

B- ok we will be along shortly

J- ok bye love you

B- love you to

I ended the call, turned my phone and saw that all the bellas on the bus were staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You just told jesse that were gonna go and pick him and all the trebles up." Stacie replied.

"Well it's not like we can leave them there I mean they did the same for us last year, so why not, I mean you all get to see you treble boyfriends." I said.

"That's very true, Amy turn around and go to bakers road highway 42 where tell old barn is." Stacie announced.

"You got it." Fat Amy replied back.

We drove to where the guys were and picked them up, we had a small bus so it was a little crammed. I moved to the seat behind me because bumper told me to so he could be behind Amy,  jesse sat with me, tanner sat with Cameron, Donald sat with Stacie and the rest of the trebles found a seat beside there girls.

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