Chapter 3 Auditions Are Tomorrow

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My face went blank when Cameron told me she was jesse's sister.

"Jesse you never told me you had any siblings."

"I know im sorry, I was going to but first of all Cameron what are you even doing here?" Jesse questioned really mad.

"Well first of all, this is my dorm. Second, I came here because I graduated last year. Third, I didn't think u would ever see you so I didn't tell you I was coming."

~fat Amy's POV~

So I went and got all the bellas from there dorms and we went to beca's dorm to see her because tomorrow was audition day.

As we walked into her dorm, jesse was there and so was the youngster Cameron.

"Hey beca, tomorrow's audition day so we were checking on you." I said as I led the girls in her room.

"Well I guess if you guys are gonna be talking about tomorrow I better get going." Jesse said as he got up.

Beca stood up as well and they started kissing. "BECA! We don't have time for this right now ok. I yelled.

"Ok, text you later jess." Beca said as she closed the door.

~jesse's POV~

When I got out of beca's room I started walking back to my own dorm. I took one step outside and my ex lisa was standing right there.

"Oh hey jesse it's just my luck running into you." She said innocently but I knew she was waiting for me.

"Yeah I gotta go I'll see you later tho-".

"Why are you trying to avoid me?" Lisa questioned wanting to know.

"Because I'm not your boyfriend anymore and to me we aren't friends either."

"Yeah but we have a history."


"Why we're you in the girls building? We're you visiting someone?" She asked wanting to know.

"Ya, actually I was visiting my girlfriend." I said with a grin on my face.

"What you have a-". I had cut her off when I started running for the boys building. I opened the door and ran in I looked back while running uo the stairs and I didn't see her there, so now I wasn't running I was just being really quick getting to my dorm.

I took the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I ran in and closed the door behind me. I sat on my bed and started texting Donald. (J=jesse    d=Donald)

J- hey man.

D- hey what's up.

J- I was wondering if you could get the guys together and bring them to my dorm so we can talk about tomorrow.

D- why don't you just come to the hangout?

J- well because I just got back from beca's and my crazy ex-girlfriend is trying to get me back and stuff so wanna do me a favor and bring them over here.

D- sure man we will be over soon.

J- thanks man see ya.

D- see ya.

~beca's POV~

"Well what are we supposed to talk about?" I questioned.

"I don't know but hey youngster are you trying out tomorrow?" Fat Amy asked Cameron.

"Yeah of course and if you don't like me I'm not forcing you to pick me." Cameron said with a small smirk across her face.

"Wow I think that's the first time someone has ever said that. I mean the girls were at my dorm yesterday and my room mate is trying out and she was like, you have to pick me no matter what come on you just have to and I kicked her out of the room." Fat Amy said making Cameron laugh.

"Well don't worry because I will probably pick you Cameron because when you walked in on me and jesse and you were singing you sounded great." I said making Cameron smile.

"You walked into beca and jesse, what was happening?" Synthia rose asked feeling kinda weirded out.

"Well they were like making out on her bed and when I walked in I didn't notice untill I spun around and saw them and it was disturbing because jesse's my brother." Cameron said starting to get grossed out.

"Jesse's your brother?" All the girls said.

"Yeah I hated growing up with him, I was always in his shadow, but I got used to it so you know." Cameron said with a sad look on her face.

"Wow that must've sucked." Fat Amy said.

Cameron didn't have any time to reply because I said I was gonna call it a night and all the girls left.

~jesse's POV~

So I was waiting for the guys when Donald opened the door right away and all the guys ran in, he closed the door so fast and didn't say a word.

"Meet a girl outside?" I asked.

"Yep." Donald said.

"Was she crazy?" I asked.

"Yep." Donald said.

"That's my ex." I told them.

"Oh interesting, so what do u want to talk about?" Donald asked.

"Well I guess tomorrow. Tomorrow's audition day, how many guys are we gonna pick?"

"I would say 1 or 2. Depends on how many are actually good." Benji said.

"Yeah, so when you texted me earlier you said you went to beca's, what did you guys do?" Donald asked knowing I would answer.

"Well at first we were kissing then all of a sudden we started making out on her bed until her room mate walked in and was singing sexy and I know it but she turned it into Cameron and I know it." I said making everyone laugh.

"Must have been an adventure." Benji said laughing his head off.

"Yeah it was an adventure after I realized beca's room mate is my sister." I said and everyone gave me a shocked look.

"You have a sister?" Donald asked surprised.

"Yeah and what I found out while texting beca earlier is that she was meeting up with one of you when I went to her dorm." I said looking at tanner the youngest one in the group.

"Hey why are you looking at me?" Tanner questioned.

"Because your the youngest one in the group and your my sisters age."

"Ok I did hang out with her but all we did was talk on the bench out front." Tanner said holding his hands up.

"It's fine, but it's getting late so you guys better go. See ya." I told them.

"See ya." The guys said leaving.

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