Chapter 13 The Radio Station

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~jesse's POV~

I'm sitting in my dorm watching Benji do magic tricks and it's REALLY boring, who am I kidding it's EXTREMELY boring! There's nothing to do, beca's busy with something I don't remember what and all the trebles are just to lazy to get up and do anything today.

I was literally about to hit myself in the head with a glass bottle until my phone vibrated, thank god. I look at my phone and its a text from Luke.

L- hey jesse I need you to come down to the radio station and take a shift

J- ok I'll be right there, see ya

L- later

I put my phone in my pocket and jumped from my bed, grabbed my shoes and ran out the door, I was happy I didn't have to watch Benji doing magic. I ran through the halls out the building door and ran all the way to the radio station nothing could stop me.

I got to the door of the station and stopped to get my breath back. I stood outside for about a minute or so and walked inside with full breath.

I walked in and saw that beca was there working, that's what she was doing today. Luke saw me and pointed me over to beca to help her with stacking the CDs.

"Hey jess." Beca said giving me a small peck on the lips and going back to the job.

"Hey." I replied and started working.

We were both working and there was just pure silence between us, then I found out why.

I was just standing there and I heard a familiar voice coming from upstairs.

It was Bradley, beca's ex, he was yelling for someone to help him but no one was listening.

"Look who it is, it's the girlfriend steeler." Bradley said while carrying 3 crates down the stairs.

"Actually, I left you, so you shouldn't be calling him a girlfriend steeler." Beca butted in.

"Ya and why was it that we broke up again?" He questioned acting all inoccent, I just rolled my eyes.

"You cheated on me with your bestfriends girlfriend, you should remember this." Beca said closing the gap between us.

"Oh ya, I regretted every second of that and she came on to me." Bradley said with a sad look on his face.

"That's not what I saw." Beca said walking to the back to work there instead alone. She put her headphones on and worked.

"I'll go che-".

"Don't even because she hates you and your the reason she went back there." I cut him off.

"No I'm not you are, don't act all stupid about it." Bradley replied with a death glare.

"Whatever." I said shaking my head and letting out a sigh.

I stacked some more CDs and kept looking around, there was no sight of Bradley anywhere until I looked back where beca was.

He was trying to wrap his arms around her and get closer but she kept pushing him off and he just kept trying. I started walking up to them when beca pushed him really hard and he started yelling at her.

I walked faster and when I got up to the 2 I punched Bradley straight in face and Luke came rushing out. Beca looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back and hugged her tightly.

"Your my hero." She whispered to me.

"I'll never let you go." I whispered back. I looked down at her head and she leaned up and kissed me, it was turning into a full blown make out session.

"Ok, you to stop eating each other!" Luke snapped furiously. I looked down to see Bradley sitting on the floor with blood all over his face and Luke trying to help him.

Bradley looked up to see me and I mouthed 'don't touch or talk to her again'. He nodded his head slightly and Luke went and grabbed the first aid kit. He cleaned Bradley face up and gave him something to put on his nose.

"Well you 2 can go and take the day off because your causing to much trouble around here." Luke said and beca put her hands up in surrender and walked toward the door. She turned around and signaled me to come on, but I signaled for her to go ahead and I'll catch up with you.

"Luke, is there any possible way you could fire this guy or anything like that?" I questioned.

"Sadly not, I can't lose any of my employees, I need the extra help around here but I can get him to stay away from you and beca." Luke replied.

"Well as long as he stays away were fine." I said walking out the door. Beca was waiting outside for me, when I got out there she started questioning.

"Why we're you talking to Luke?"

"I just needed to ask him something, no worries." I replied with a smile, she smiled back and laced her fingers with mine and we started walking away.

She rested her head on my shoulder and we just kept walking away.


Sorry if some of my chapters are becoming shorter it's just because I'm running out of ideas.

Feel free to comment and ideas that you have for the book because my brain in just blank lol.

Comment, vote and read thanks!!

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