Chapter 18 Stop Taking Control

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~beca's POV~

Everyone was busy today and its raining out so I'm sitting in my dorm studying for my English class and I'm bored out of my mind, Cameron's sitting on her bed saying words to herself over and over again and I don't know why.

I've finally gave up the studying and started thinking about what we were gonna do for the ICCAs. Aubury and Chloe are gonna be there watching so I have to make sure we pick good songs, but it's gonna be aubury that's gonna judge us on what we do pick and how we do are performance.

I'm writing a lot of good songs down on a notepad and then later on I'll mash some songs up that the group choose and then we will be all set for the ICCAs.

I put the notepad down and got up right when my phone went off declaring that I have a text, I looked at who the text was from and it was from aubury, I unlocked my phone and red the text she sent me.

(A=Aubury    B=Beca)

A- hey beca, I was wondering if you could not mash songs up this year for the ICCAs and do one of the songs that me and Chloe used to do

B- listen aubury I'm not sure

A- that's great, I'll take that as a yes, I have the song already picked out and the choreography is already finished I'll see you tomorrow bye

I didn't bother to text back because I knew she wouldnt listen to anything I had to say, now I have to get her head off of that and get it back on the Mashups or I can just do what I always do and scream at her.


I woke up and got ready to go to Bella practice,  I went over to Cameron's bed and woke her up to she got ready as well and we left the dorm together and headed down to the auditorium.

Before we walked into the auditorium I grabbed Cameron's wrist signaling for her to come toward me. "What bec?" She questioned. "Listen aubury is gonna make us do boring songs ok and I want you to make her mad because I don't want to do these songs but she's gonna make us, so make her as mad as possible so I can at least try and kick her out of here." I explained and Cameron smiled and nodded her head signaling she's got this.

We walked into the auditorium and walked over to the other bellas who were waiting patient for me and Cameron to arive. "Finally you 2 are here we've been waiting like 3 minutes." Aubury pointed put and handed us a sheet with lyics on it for one of those old boring songs.

"Beca, Cameron work on this for a couple minutes while I get ready." Aubury said and I nodded.

"Hey, why did you agree to do this?" Stacie questioned me wondering what the hell is wrong with me. "Listen, I didn't agree to anything she asked if I would do this instead of the Mashups and I said I'm not sure and she took that as a yes, but I have plan so start videotaping right now." I said and Stacie anctually pulled  her phone out and set it on the table where aubury couldn't see it actually and it recorded everything that was about to happen.

"Hey aubury, come here a minute please." Cameron asked her. "What do you need Cameron?" She asked her with a half smile. "Oh ya um I'm not doing this, this is what I think about this song and the rest of the songs that you like." Cameron said and crumpled the paper up and through it right in auburys face and she didn't look to happy.

"Cameron, your gonna do anything and everything I say." Aubury responded with a death glare. "Ya about that I don't think so." Cameron said giving her a sad look. I was holding back my smile and so we're all the other bellas, chloe was to.

"Little miss I don't like your attitude and if you don't listen to me you will be kicked out of the bellas!" Aubury freaked out and I couldn't wait to here what Cameron was gonna say. "Ya uh you can't kick me out because your not the leader beca is." Cameron responded and aubury gave me a death glare this time and took a few deep breaths.

"You listen to me you little asswipe, I'm the leader of the bellas not you or beca or anyone else but me and if you don't like that just leave!" Aubury screamed in her face and Cameron smiled. "You know aubury your so fake, I mean you make barbie look real and not and lot of people can actually do that." Cameron replied and I burst out laughing, holy shit best cumback.

"Excuse me!?" Aubury said now wanting to kill Cameron. "You heard exactly what I said and if you wanna act like this then I do quit and also I wanted to say something and see home many girls in this room are with me on this." Cameron said and I was wondering what she was gonna say. "And what's that?" Aubury questioned.

"I wanna know how many girls in this room want aubury gone off campus and kicked out of the bellas for good, there's 2 sides my side or auburys, you either stand behind me or behind aubury, go ahead and choose." I was shocked by Cameron's words but I walked to the middle and took a step toward aubury but faked it and went on Cameron's side.

After a couple seconds every single girl in the room was on Cameron's side even chloe and aubury was left alone. "So aubury there's a couple choices for you now, you can stay here and stop taking control and let beca do her job, you can stay here and not have any bellas at all or you can just leave and leave the bellas to beca. Go ahead and pick one." Cameron announced and all the girls crossed there arms.

"Fine, I'll leave and let beca do her job, do your Mashups or whatever and I will be at the ICCAs to watch you girls lose because you suck doing Mashups and that shit." Aubury started walking out when Cameron put her hand on her stomach to stop her. She pushed back a bit and started talking.

"If you ever come back here and take control again, you will be sorry for what will happen to you next." Cameron said and I put a confident smile on my face and pointed toward the door. "She held back tears and walked toward the doors. "Oh and don't let the door hit you on your way out or let it hit you which ever ones better." Cameron yelled across the room and aubury slammed the door as she left.

"Wow, that went amazing." I said and Cameron nodded. I gave her a high five and fist bump then we all went back to doing what we usually do at bellas practice, barely learn choreography and sing songs to make sure are voices are still good.

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