Chapter 22 Contact Us For Anything

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~jesse's POV~

I woke up on the couch with beca in my arms. I tryed to look around her head to see if she was awake and then she turned her head toward me and started fluttering her eyes. "Hi." She said in a sleepy voice. "Hey gorgeous." I replied and she smiled. "Any news from last night." She asked and gave her a blank face. "Nope." I responded and she made a sad face and that made me laugh a little.

I sat up and got off the couch to go get some coffee. "Bec you want the usual?" I asked and she nodded her head. "Ok, I'll be back." I said and she smiled and nodded her head again. I walked down the hall to the coffee station thing and saw the doctor. I ran up to him as fast as I could and stopped him.

"Wait stop!" I yelled from behind him and he turned around and realized it was just me. "Yes jesse?" He asked and I looked at him more breathing really heavily. "Is.... Cameron....ok?" I questioned hardly able to get the words out. "Well yesterday when her heartbeat monitor got slower there was a chance she was going to die right there, but we managed to help her, she is going to be fine and since she was doing good last night she can go back to Barden today, but you have to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't do anything that will damage her stomach more." The doctor explained and I nodded my head. "Do you think I could go and see her?" I questioned and he nodded his head.

I smiled and mouthed thank you because I don't think I could've actually said it. I ran past the doctor and went to find room 919. I was looking around and naming the door numbers. "915, 916, 917, 918, 919." I said and I stopped in front of 919 and waited a minute. I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob and walked in.

Cameron was still asleep so I went and sat in the chair beside her bed. "Hey cam, it's me." I said quietly and she didn't move. "Your gonna be ok." I said starting to cry. I grabbed her hand and put it up to my head. "Your gonna be ok cam, your gonna be ok." I said again and her hand pulled out of mine. "Jesse." I heard her say. "Cameron?" I asked. "No its Christina Aguilera." She said sarcastically and I smiled and gave her a big hug. "Careful." She said and I pulled back.

"Sorry, I'm just happy that your awake and with me." I said and she smiled and started to tear up. "I'm happy that I'm with you to." She replied and I smiled at her. "So where's beca?" She asked and I looked up from her. "Shit, I totally forgot about her, when I saw the doctor all I wanted to know is if you were ok, I'll be back soon." I explained and she nodded her head and laughed at me. I exited the room and ran down the hall again back to the waiting room.

I entered the waiting room and beca was talking to chloe and Cynthia rose. I walked over to her and tapped her on the left shoulder and then walked right. She looked at me and I smiled and she gave me a blank look. "So where did you disappear to?" She questioned. "It saw the doctor and then went to go see Cameron." I explained and she smiled at me. "That's nice but there's something you forgot." She said and I looked at her with a what look. "My coffee." She said and my head shot up. "That's right, I'll be back in a minute." I said and ran back to the coffee station thing.

(Later that day)

Cameron just got released from the hospital and everyone's going back to Barden now. We're driving down the road and Cameron's laying across the back seat saying random things that happened in the hospital. "And when I was hardly breathing they brought me to this room and put me to sleep." She said and me and beca laughed. "And then when they put me in the cat scan I was laying there looking at the lights around me." She said and we laughed again.

We arrived at Barden and I helped Cameron out of the car. "When can I start practicing for nationals again?" Cameron questioned and beca looked at her with a blank face. "Uh cam the doctors don't thing it's good for you to perform at nationals." Beca said and her head snapped to look at her. "What!?" She screamed and beca didn't know what to say so she looked at me for help.

"Come on cam there's gonna be more opportunities for you." I mentioned and she looked at me and started tearing up. "I know but I wanna perform with beca and the bellas because there all special to me." She said fully crying now and I looked at beca. "Cam there's always next year." Beca said and she looked at her. "There is but I want my first year of college to be awesome." She replied and beca had nothing else to say.

"We'll just have to wait and see how your doing ok." I said and she nodded her head and started walking up to her dorm. "What's gonna happen when we tell her that the doctors actually said she's not performing." Beca asked and I looked at her. "I'm not even sure." I said and beca hugged me tight and I hugged back. "let's hope for the best that she won't flip out." She said and chuckled. "Yes, let's all hope." I said and she giggled a bit and then started walking back to her dorm. I started walking back to my dorm as well because it would be nice to get some sleep that's not on a small ass couch.

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