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I did it, I did it! Yes I finished, it's a miracle!

Please everybody tell me how much the book rocked or aucked or whatever you thought about it.

I'm working on like 3 other books right now that will be up in long while, like a couple weeks or some shit.
There's- Pitch Perfect After Barden
Pitch Perfect If They Didn't
Meet In College
Pitch Perfect After Barden
Book 2

I think those are the names, pitch perfect after Barden book 2 will be published a little after pitch perfect after Barden. Pitch perfect if they didn't meet in college will be published whenever I decide to publish it.

Thank you all, please vote, please comment, please read all the other chapters of this book if you haven't already. Vote on every chapter that you haven't voted on yet. Comment on every chapter only if you have something to say.

Thank you all and good night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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