Chapter 1 Reunited

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~beca's POV~

So the summertime was over and I was back at Barden university. I don't remember the last time I saw my boyfriend jesse.

I mean his family left to a summer cabin somewhere else, so we didnt see each other for the whole summer. I saw the girls though, I mean I didn't see Aubry and Chloe but I saw the others.

Aubry and Chloe graduated last year and they never came to visit. I think that they have started there lives up already.

As I got to Barden I already knew where to go. This year I got dropped off my dad. In the summer we got closer as a family and I let him drive me.

Someone took all my bags to my room right after I got out of the car. I started walking around and I didn't see jesse anywhere. So I just headed up to my dorm.

As I was walking into my dorm room I saw my room mate jumping on her bed with headphones on and playing air guitar. She hasn't noticed me yet but as I was watching her, she jumped off the bed and landed on her knees while laying back still playing air guitar.

As she finished her air guitar solo she finally noticed me.

"Oh hey I'm Cameron you must be my dorm mate beca. Am I correct?"

"You sure are. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure of course, I mean why not were dorm mates."

"Um how are you in college if your like 12?" I asked her because she was really short and she looked like she was in middle school.

"Oh I'm Uh actually 13 but you know whatever floats your boat and I'm here because I skipped a whole bunch of classes and graduated high school, so I got sent here."

"Oh interesting. Well have you been to the activities fair yet."

"No not yet, I want to be in a group of people that wanna be rock stars!"

I was gonna mention that I was the leader of the Barden bellas when she said she was gonna go and look around the activities fair.

As she walked out I noticed a pair of drum sticks in her back pocket. I found that interesting, my room mate plays the drums that's pretty awesome! Maybe she can help me with my dreams of producing music.

Well I got unpacked and headed out to the activities fair to run the bellas stand with fat Amy.

"Hey shore shank, you look great!" She said in her tazmanian accent.

"Thanks you look Great too!"

Me and fat Amy stood there for a while, a lot of girls signed up for the auditions. Then I noticed Cameron was coming are way.

"No way! You run the Barden Ballas,  how come you didn't tell me!?" Cameron asked so excited.

"Well I was gonna then you left."

"Who's this little youngster?" Fat Amy questioned.

"This is my room mate Cameron, she skipped a few classes in school and she graduated. So she got sent here." I said hoping Amy would understand.

"Oh that's pretty cool! Wanna sign up?" Amy asked her.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I! I could get noticed by some awesome people if I'm in your group since you won the ICCAS last year!"

"That's awesme just sign he-". As I was trying to say something I got cut off by some boys singing a song.

I turned around and saw that the trebles were at there stand, well it's not really a stand it's just standing at a ledge where everyone can see them.

As I looked back I saw that jesse was leading the trebles. I was starting to stare when I notice someone pointing to me from there group I turned right around and didn't look back.

Then as I was standing there I realizes I got caught. As I was mumbling to myself that I'm such an idiot my phone vibrated.

(J=jesse  b=beca)

J- is someone starting to stare?

B- yes because I heard your amazing voice start to sing.

J- oh my voice isn't as good as yours though

B- thanks your so adorable, I've missed you so much.

J- I've missed you even more. When was the last time I saw your amazing smile?

I turned around and gave him a long smile as are eyes connected, he looked at his phone and then mine vibrated.

J- there's that smile that I've been waiting to see for 2 months.

B- your so adorable.

As I sent that text Amy called my name.

~Amy's POV~

Beca was texting her boyfriend jesse while I was working, I Mean no one has come up to the stand after Cameron left but still at least I'm paying attention.

"Beca. Beca. BECA!" I yelled as she finally looked at me.

"Amy what do you want?" She questioned as if she was innocent.

"Are you going to be on your phone all day or are you going to help with the stand?"

"Well no one has come up yet so why does it matter?"

"Just never mind then." I said frustrated.

~beca's POV~

After I got yelled at by fat Amy I got another text.

J- I see you got yourself into some treble.

B- yes I did and I have to go. Are you free anytime so we can meet or something?

J- how about after the activities the fair?

B- ok sounds good come to my dorm or text me to meet you somewhere.

J- ok I'll text you and you can come to my dorm my room mate is never there when I'm there.

B- ok bye luv you.

J- luv you 2.

After that I stopped texting jesse no on else came to fat Amy's and I's  stand so that was about it for the activaties fair.

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