Chapter 2 Me And You

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As fat Amy and I were packing up are stand Cameron came along and decided to help us. When Cameron came fat Amy thought she would go and leave her part to Cameron.

"So, you got any plans for later beca?"

"Uh yeah I was gonna go and see my boyfriend."

"Woah Woah Woah, you have a boyfriend and it's the first day at college, jeez how many guys walked by your stand?" She questioned making me giggle.

"No, I've been dating him since last year after the ICCAS, he's been trying to get me to go out with him all year and I started to really like him."

"Wow, my brother did the same thing with a girl once to, he thought she was never gonna actually go for him."

"Oh cool, what are yours plans for later?"

"Oh um well while I was walking around I wasn't paying any attention cause I was on my phone and I tripped over my shoelace and one of the trebles about my he age caught me. Then he took my phone and put his number in it and I did the same with his phone so you know maybe something might happen."

"OMG! Are you serious that's awesome."

"Yeah and he's super cute." She said starting to giggle.

"Well I guess we're done packing up, I'm going to are dorm wanna tag along."

"Ya, I'm right behind you."

As we walked into the dorm, my phone vibrated. I checked it and it was jesse.

~jesse's POV~

As I was in my dorm room I was waiting for my room mate to leave. He didn't move an inch. His name was Benji, he was my room mate last year and I don't know why we were paired together again, he was part of the trebles with me and usually when I was around he left to go do other things, I guess not today.

I grabbed my phone as I sat in silence on my bed and texted beca.

J- hey million dollar baby.

B- hey jess, can I make my way to your dorm yet?

J- well the thing is benji's still here and I don't think he's gonna leave.

B- well you can come over here?

J- don't you have a room mate?

B- yeah but she left to go meet up with one of your fellow trebles.

J- ok well I'll be right over then.

B- ok I'll be waiting here, luv u.

J- luv u 2.

As I got up and opened the door Benji questioned where I was going.

"Hey, jesse where you headed?"

"Oh I was gonna go meet up with beca."

"Oh I thought you were going to something with the trebles or something like that. Well see ya."


As I finally stepped out of the room and closed the door I was relived he actually let me leave for once. I figured that I was late to meet up with beca so I ran down the hall and bumped into someone who was familiar from high school.

"OMG! Jesse, what are you doing here!?" The girl questioned.

"I sorta go here, wait lisa is that you." I asked her in so much shock.

"Ya it's me your ex from high school have you missed me." Lisa said leaning in for a hug while I stepped back.

"Um I haven't missed you because I sorta moved on from you." I said trying to get passed her.

"But I haven't moved on from you and someone back home told me you moved out her and started going here, so I came here to this college to be with you!"

"Well you didn't have to, I broke up with you for a reason now move I'm going to meet up with someone."

I politely moved her to the side and ran cause I knew beca would start to ask questions if I took any longer.

~beca's POV~

I've been sitting here for over 15 minutes waiting for jesse to come, what's holding him up. As I stood up to grab my phone from the window sill I heard a knock at the door.

I put my phone down and walked over to the door, I open it and practically yelled. "Jesse!"

"I'". I had cut jesse off with a kiss.

"It's ok but what took you so long?"

"Well I got stopped by Benji when I was leaving then when I had got out of the door I walked around the corner and saw my ex-girlfriend."

"Woah Woah Woah, you saw your ex. Did she flip out when you told her you had a new girlfriend?" I said with a smile planted across my face.

"Well about that, I didn't have time to tell her that I was dating you cause I was in a rush to see you."

My smile went away, "Well as long as she doesn't get between us I'm fine with her being here." I said leaning in toward jesse for a kiss.

He started leaning toward me, and we kissed for a while he put his tongue on my lips which was a signal for entrance.

I let him enter as I did the same to him, I started moving around until I was placed right on his lap. He rolled over and he was right on top of me, I put my hands in his in his hair starting to play with it when he started putting his hand up my shirt.

As that happened Cameron walked in the room singing not noticing that I was there but me and jesse both noticed she was.

"I walk in my dormroom this is what I see, everybody stops and is staring at me I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it show it show it Uh I'm Cameron and I know it."

As she said her last word she spun around and saw jesse on top of me. Her eyes widened like she saw someone kill someone else. I looked up at jesse's face and he was in shock, he got up off me and started talking.

"Cameron!?" Jesse said really shocked.

"Jesse!?" Cameron said in shock.

"Wait how do you guys know each other?" I asked wondering what was going on.

"Uh nothing." Jesse said looking totally innocent.

"Jesse's my brother." Cameron said confidently.

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