Chapter 11: The Story of Landon & Kade

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My heart was racing, I don't know if I can keep myself together telling him this story. You see what it does to me just thinking about it. I am bawling my eyes out and Cameron is clueless. I have to tell him. Suck it up Kade.

"Kade, babe it's okay you don't have to tell me if you aren't ready." He said sitting closer wrapping me and the new puppy in his arms. He kissed my head.

"I-I'm ready to tell you now." I whimpered. The puppy was licking my face, he has no clue either.

"Do you want to lay down and talk about it? We can go in the bedroom." He said holding me tighter.

I nodded my head and the next thing I knew Cameron cradled me and the puppy into his arms and took us into the bedroom. Sitting my crying self on the bed he took off my shoes.

"Put your arms up." He said and I did.

He pulled my shirt up and off, exposing my bare chest. I started to take off my pants and I crawled under the covers with the puppy with only my underwear on.

"Do you want my shirt?" He asked holding up his shirt I sleep in.

"I'm good, I'll sleep like this." I faintly said and he stripped to his underwear as well and laid next to me. The cute little golden retriever laid in between us and I sat and cried uncontrollably.

"Please don't cry. I don't want you to be upset." Cameron said, I could hear him crying. This was a mess, but told him.


Landon was my boyfriend for 3 years when I lived back in Georgia. I was 14 when I met him at a Subway. Haha, what a weird place right? Not at all. He worked there and when I was paying for my sandwich and he told me, "Give me your number and you don't have to pay." I thought he was very witty with his techniques. I gave him my number and it took him 4 fucking days to call me. I remember that phone call like it was yesterday. He told me that if he couldn't take me out on a date he was going to call the cops and say I stole that sub sandwich. It's not like they would do anything, but I gave him a chance and we hit it off. The one date became many more. After going out for about 3 weeks, talking on the phone and texting, he finally asked me to be his.

I didn't tell my mom. She knew I was gay and she seemed fine with it, but I didn't know how she would react when I told her I had a boyfriend. I didn't know if I would get to see him or if I could stay at his house. I didn't know if she would shun me from the world. I was so scared so I didn't tell anyone, well other than Baleigh. She was the first person I told & the only person I told at the time. I eventually told my sister and she promised no to say anything, all Lainee wanted was to meet him. She was all about me meeting someone and falling in love because, I haven't ever done that before.

I didn't tell my mom for a month. One reason being, Landon was in 10th grade and I, only being in 8th. 2 years older.

A whole month we dated in secret. Lainee would drop me off at the mall. Landon would already be there since he could drive & I would go meet up with him and we would just go walk around and have so much fun. My favorite time was when we were in the photo booth and I was laughing so hard at the faces we were making at each other and the last picture was about to be taken when he kissed me. That was my first kiss, and it took me by surprise. I didn't know what I was doing, but my god it was amazing. It was only later that night when Lainee picked me back up and we got home I had to drop that damn picture on the floor.

My mom came in my room holding it in her hand, I knew I was dead.

"Who is this?" She asked me with a smirk I couldn't describe.

I was stuttering I couldn't even speak. I was a nervous wreck, and she hugged me.

"Kade." She said, "Don't be afraid to talk to me okay? Now I wanna hear all about him."

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