Chapter 31: Lies

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Cameron stood still once Landon had completely stepped into the room. I wished he would hold me, but I understand that this is a lot to take in. If I didn't have gallons of fluids flowing through my body altering my emotions, I'd probably pass out.

"Stop." I managed to say to prevent Landon from walking any closer. He looked up at me and then over at Cameron.

"What? I just want to talk to you." Landon's southern accent was so strong that it took me back. It took me back to us, when we were 15 and 17.

My eyes welled up with tears. The boy I fell in love with, who I believed had been dead was standing right in front of me. "I don't want to talk right now." The droplet slid down my cheek, "I think you should leave." I wiped it away.

"Kade." He started walking closer, but Cameron stood in his way.

"You should go." Cameron towered over Landon, but I knew that Cameron wasn't the fighting type, "When Kade wants to speak with you, I'll be sure to let you know. If you can't tell, he's been beaten up pretty badly; He needs to rest."

Landon handed him a napkin; I'm guessing it had his phone number on it. Cameron took it, and Landon walked out. I took a deep breath and decided to sleep. This is too much for me right now. Way too much.

| Cameron's Point of View |

Landon exited the room and I sat back down next to Kade. He had his eyes closed, and I didn't want to disturb him, so I kissed his hand softly. He wasn't asleep, "What is going on?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I don't know baby. Get some sleep and we can talk more about it when you wake up."

"I love you." Kade's voice was pitifully weak.

"Baby, I love you." I laced my fingers within his to reassure that I was always going to be there for him.

There are certain aspects of someone's life that others will never understand. When I met Kade, I had no idea who I was associating with, nor did I know how crazy my life's journey would become after meeting him. Would I take any of this back? Definitely Not. He makes me a better person; our relationship keeps me strong, and I can't wait for the future with him. Him, as in Kade. And Kade, as in the love of my life.

"Cameron." Kade spoke softly.

"Yes baby?" I smiled at him.

"You said a truck hit me?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, why?" I wasn't getting where he was going with this.

"Landon drove a truck?" His voice was shaky. His skin was pale, "Was is white?"

"No. It was a black Chevrolet. They never found the people inside; there was no tag on the vehicle, and no evidence of registration within the console." I told him what the cops told me earlier.

"Oh. Okay." He closed his eyes and went to sleep. I wish he wasn't in so much pain.

| Two Weeks Later |

| Kade's Point of View |

I was finally back at home. I could walk on my own, but getting down the stairs was a hassle. Cameron, Baleigh and Jordan have all been there to help, but it's getting a little old, because it's constant worrying.

"Kade, The police are here." Cameron said as he walked in our room. They've been investigating the hit and run car wreck I was in, trying to find the people who are responsible, but we haven't gotten very far.

"Okay, I'll be down there in a minute." I said making my way out of the bed slowly.

My bruises have almost completely disappeared. The cuts on my face from the glass have healed and I have no scars. I don't have to wear my sling anymore, but my shoulder is really sore, so I do somedays. My ribs are still wrapped up, and I have a few more weeks before I'm am fully recovered.

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