Chapter 34: I do

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| 18 Months Later |


I lie in an empty bed, twisting my engagement ring in circles on my finger. There was no commotion throughout the house, but lately there has been nothing but silence. Baleigh and Jordan left for college; they visit during their breaks, but that's it. Reese moved back to Georgia, but he calls me every week to be the best friend he claims to be. Cameron has been away plenty of times with work, and after returning home during late hours, he's too tired for anything. Our quality time we've always spent together has plummeted into hell, he's stressed, and has become nothing but crude to me. Our wedding is in a week. I don't want a marriage like this.

"Kade!" Cameron raised his voice causing me to jump, "I've been trying to get your attention for five minutes."

I sat up in bed, "I'm sorry, I was distracted." I refused to make eye contact with him, "You're home early."

"Yeah, don't make it sound like a bad thing." He spat bitterly.

My heart ached for him to change. Our relationship had been this way for over two months, and hasn't gotten better. Please God.

"Do you want to go get dinner?" I asked softly.

Cameron sat down at the foot of the bed and began taking his shoes off, "No, I'm tired."

I crawled up behind him, "I'm tired too, but that doesn't mean we can't go get something for dinner."

He stood up, making his way towards the bathroom then turning to look at me, "Yes it does. It means that I want to go to bed, so please stop talking about it."

I looked down at the ring, and with as much excitement as I could possibly express, I said, "We get married in a week!"

"Yep!" Cameron said effortlessly, exiting the bathroom and beginning to remove his clothes.

"Don't sound so happy." I said sarcastically and grabbing my pillow.

"Baby, where are you going?" Cameron's voice softened, and sounded sweeter.

"Downstairs." I said.

I made my way towards the door, but Cameron stopped and grabbed me. I flinched from old habits, continuing to refuse eye contact.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He caressed my face in his hand.

"Nothing, can you please move out of my way?" I tried to make my way through the door.

"Not before you tell me why you're about to cry." He lifted my chin up.

I stared at him through glossy eyes, "You can't talk to me the way you have been doing, and when something goes against what you want, just soften your voice and expect me to not be upset."

"I'm sorry Kaden." His voice faded out.

"Can I please go downstairs?" I asked softly. He forced his body out from the doorway.

"I love you." Cameron would never not say that, not even if we were both upset with one another.

"I'll see you in the morning." I said, and downstairs I went.

I threw my pillow on the couch. The blankets were in the closet, but before I laid down, I had to eat. The food stock was low. I hadn't been grocery shopping in weeks, therefore I was snacking on small things here and there due to Cameron being gone most of the time.

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