Chapter 12: 20 Questions

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I woke up. Cameron's face was practically on mine. His warm breaths were blowing on me. I felt suffocated, but I loved how close our bodies were. I had no idea on what time it was because it was still dark out. I slowly & carefully slid out of Cameron's grip. He made a snort noise and I about screamed. Jaxx rose his head up at the sound and slowly laid it back down. The puppy rolled over to Cameron and I walked outside on the balcony for fresh air.

The moon was shining bright and the stars were clearly visible. I could name a few constellations that I could see. The temperature was amazing, if only there wasn't a cold breeze & and I wasn't out here in my underwear.

"Kade? It's 3am. Why are you outside?" Cameron asked standing at the sliding glass door.

"I just needed some fresh air. That's all." I looked to the sky again.

The creation of our universe is magnificent. The beauty it bestows is absolutely breath taking and I could look at the night sky for a lifetime.

"Is everything alright?" He asked wrapping his hands around me from behind.

He pressed his body against mine, both in our underwear, let's just say I could feel a little something, something down there. Talk about an embarrassing moment for me. Anyways, he kissed the back of my neck.

"Everything's fine. I'll be back to bed in a few." I said. I kind of just wanted to be alone for a minute.

"Okay, hurry so your spot doesn't get cold. Then we'll have to cuddle and I'll have to keep you warm." He said going back inside.

There are so many characteristics from Cameron that remind me of Landon. I feel like they are the same person in a way. Cameron's goofiness, his sympathetic gestures on making me feel better, the love and care thats put into everything he does for me. It's like I fell in love with Landon all over again, only this time it's my celebrity crush.

I stayed outside for about a half hour. I enjoyed looking at the mystical stars and moon. They hold mysteries that will never truly me discovered. When I was back in Cameron's bedroom, I could hear his soft little snores. The puppy was on his pillow right above his head. Jaxx was at the foot of him. What a hottie. Haha.

I crawled carefully in bed. Not waking any of them, I scooted up against Cameron. I pulled his arm over me and in an instinct he cuddled me closer. His breaths were hitting my neck giving me chills, as wells as sending me straight back to sleep. Not waking me up until the sun was beaming down on us.

"Rise & Shine!" I said sitting on Cameron's waist.

He covered his eyes, "Babe. Not now."

"Um babe. Yes now. Wake up! We've got a puppy to name." I said rubbing my finger over and around his nipple.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" He asked uncovering his eyes.

"No, I'm just getting ready to twist your nipple." I joked.

"Please don't do that." He pleaded.

"Don't worry I won't. Just get up." I got off of him, and the puppy ran over to me. I picked her up and walked out of the bedroom.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Cameron asked. His butt looked fine. Oh my lord.

"Well there's something in mind but, it's not on the menu." I teased pinching his butt.

He yelped, "That's not on the menu... Yet!"

"Ew, nasty." I said.

"I was joking, calm down." He said hitting my butt with a spatula.

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