Chapter 2: The Move

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Baleigh and I have been packing all day, and now it is 6:45pm. We are driving to the airport with our parents following behind. Take off is at 9:00pm, and we have to get to the airport and go through security and that fun stuff.

"We are finally doing it." She said.

I nodded with a dorky grin on my face, "I have been looking forward to this since 7th grade."

"Me too!"

"Okay, so is Michael coming with us tonight or is he coming tomorrow?" I asked. I need to know because I can go pick him up, if necessary.

"He is coming tomorrow, his mom didn't want him to leave so soon." She said looking out of the passenger window.

"Okay, sounds good."

The ride was silent to the airport, other than the radio and brief conversations. We were both excited because now that we are out of school and officially adults we can be on our own.

We have been looking for an apartment for the past couple of months and I found one for a great price in L.A.. The apartment is a penthouse and has an upstairs and the elevator goes straight to our living room when entering the code, which only the two of us will know.

It has 4 bedrooms, and a full bathroom in each. It is fully furnished and I don't have to buy any new decorations because I already did that months back & had an interior decorator put them where I wanted them to go. This is the life my darlings, I am so excited.


After we arrived at the airport we had to say goodbye to everyone.

Baleigh was saying goodbye to her Mom and Dad, and I was listening to mine go on and on about how I need to call her.

"Call me when the plane lands, call me when you get home, and call me everyday." Mom told me.

"I am coming to visit you one day." Lainee said, which is my sister.

"Call first, the place has to be clean." I said, not joking because I can't live with a messy house and guest.

We had our laughs and the tears came, "I love you guys, I'll come visit." I said giving them my hugs.

"Meet someone." Lainee whispered in my ear when I hugged her.

I laughed, "I wish."

"I love you all." I said, walking over to Baleigh.

"You ready?" She asked.


We said our final goodbyes and waved as we rode the escalator up. They cried and walked away out of sight.

"We're doing this." I said.

She nodded and we sat down waiting to be boarded.


The time now being 8:26pm, they call over the intercom.

"Flight 278 is now boarding." The lady announced.

We both stood up, took a deep breath and walked over to the doors.

"Tickets." The man said.

We handed him our tickets and boarded the plane, and we have first class. One thing you should know about me - When Kade travels, he does it in style - That's right.

Once we were settled into our seats which were right next to each other, we waited for take off. While waiting I texted my mom saying that I love everyone and that I am on the plane waiting to leave.

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