Chapter 24: I Love You // Continued

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** This Chapter takes place in Cameron's Point of View after Kade left the tour. **

| Cameron's Point of View |

I watched Kade turn from me and walk back to the bus. I can't believe I just acted that way... He wouldn't have cheated on me. He's too loving.

"I can't believe you did that." Matthew looked at me, a face covered in disappointment.

I closed my eyes, trying to think straight, "What was I supposed to do? He cheated on me. Would you prefer that I forgive him and act like this never happened?"

He furrowed his eyebrows together at me and looked down in shame, "Did you not see the look in his eyes? Or hear how hurt he was in his voice? Cameron, you're seriously blind to true love, because if I were in your shoes I would've known right when he spoke, that he didn't cheat. I swear you just ruined everything. What you two had, you just ruined it, and if I were you I would fix it... fast." His words touched my heart, and I did what he said. I went after him.

I left everyone behind because I'm in love with Kaden Carlos Wall, and I'm going to get him back!

I might be the worst boyfriend in the entire universe, but I'm going to fix what I broke.

His beautiful, precious heart.


I packed everything I had, as quickly as I could. If I get him back, I'm not leaving him ever again.

'If' isn't what I should have to say, but I do because of me.

I did all of this.

"Cameron." Nash came into the bus while I was getting ready to leave. My cab was near by.

"What? Nash, I have to go." I said going around him.

"Jack made me do it." That's all he said before hugging me, "I'm sorry. He threatened to out you to everyone if I didn't do this, and I didn't want that pressure of everyone knowing to be placed on you. I didn't know it was going to result in this."

I pushed him off of me, "What?"

"Cameron, I'm sorry. I-" He began to talk.

"Stop!" My face was in pure shock, "I just broke the sweetest boy's heart, and I'm probably not going to get him back because of you and Jack." I felt my face becoming hot and my eyes filling with tears.

"But.." I wouldn't let him finish.

"Do not throw this all on Jack. You were apart of this too." I was sad and angry, it was a feeling so indescribable and awful.

"Cameron I didn't want him to tell everyone you were gay-"

"You would rather me break Kade's innocent heart instead? I was going to tell everyone soon, so what difference would it have made if he would've done it for me?" I was raging at this point, "If I can't get Kade back, I won't ever forgive either of you. He is the best thing that has happened to me, and you were part of the reason he's gone. You caused me to become angry with him, he did nothing wrong." The tears were starting appear now, "Just imagine how he felt. He was crying his eyes out, trying to stand up for himself." I couldn't continue to think about it.

"And you just stood there." Nash added, the look in his eyes were pure evil.

I cocked an eyebrow, and punched Nash as fucking hard as I possibly could. The pain shot through my hand, but it was worth it. He fell backwards.

"You deserved every bit of that, so don't ask why I did it." I scoffed and left.

I'm going to California.

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