Epilogue: What Could've Been

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In a world where Landon hadn't faked his death. Where he hadn't conspired Reese to leave Kade, leading to further destruction of their relationship. Where Kade was the one who left Reese, to move away, meeting Cameron. In a world where two immature beings were separated, but later came back together due to their undying love, this could've happened...

As I drove on the highway, going back to my hometown, I twisted my engagement ring round and around on my finger. I was alone in the car. Cameron was back at our house, planning the wedding, and I am home, deciding whether or not I want there to be one.

My phone ringing interrupted my thoughts. It was Cameron.

"Hello." I said as I changed lanes.

"Hey, Baby!" Cameron sounded full of joy, "Where have you been?" He asked.

Guilt prodded me.

"I'm going home for a few days. I missed my family, and I felt as if I needed some alone time. Please, please don't be mad at me." I said, my voice falling quiet.

There was a short pause, and when Cameron spoke, it upset me, "Oh, okay. No baby, I'm not mad. I love you." He wasn't mad, but upset, sad, lonely, that he was.

"I love you." I said, heartbroken for reasons I can't explain right now.

"How did you get out there?" Cameron asked, not wanting to stop talking to me.

"I flew, and got a rental. I'm about to be there." I was being short, "Can I call you later? I have to go into the store."

"Uh, yeah. That's fine babe, just call me later." He said, "I love you so much."

"I love you. I'll call you later." I ended the call, and parked the car in the Walmart parking lot.

I took the keys from the ignition and got out, walking inside. I only needed a few things, maybe some snacks. I grabbed a basket and began scouting. Old memories came flooding back, the one when Cameron and I came here for the first time together, for him to meet my parents, and I threatened a girl right over from where I'm standing now. Even memories from younger times. Whenever I needed something, at anytime, I'd make my way here to get it. Almost like this was a hangout place for when you were extremely bored.

"Kaden." I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. I did not want to turn around. Only one person other than my mother called me by that name.

"Reese." I said, looking at an old friend of mine. One I hadn't seen since graduation. 8 years, it's been that long.

He made his was to me, astonished at the sight of me. He had cut his hair, and he stood taller than me by six inches, "I haven't seen you in forever. What brings you here?" His southern accent rang in my ears, taking me back to every night I spent with him. The camping trip, prom, his senior year party, graduation, and every one in between.

"My family." I laughed to lighten up the mood, "How are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing wonderful now." He smiled at me, "How have you been?"

"I'm starting to be better." I gave him a smile.

"Well, let me just say that you look absolutely beautiful." Confidence shines through his words, something I had never witnessed in my life.

"What?" I hesitantly laughed.

His face was flushed with red, "I know its been a long time, and that we lost what we once had, but I needed to tell you that. I never told you enough of how beautiful you are."

I couldn't say anything. My words were absent.

"I'm sorry, for everything." Reese said, grabbing my hand. My left hand. He felt the ring.

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