Chapter 15: Visiting Home

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My mom ran off of the side porch in her pajamas and gave me a hug. It was nasty and rainy outside. Now, that was one thing I do not miss about home. Cameron was still sitting in the car. Was he nervous?

"I've missed you so much. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" My mom said.

"I've missed you too, and Lainee told me to keep it a surprise." I said opening the trunk.

"Oh, well here let me help you." She said going to grab one of my bags.

"No Mom, I've got it. Cameron get out of the car and come help me." I said, he doesn't need to be nervous.

"Oh he's here?" Mom whispered.

"Yeah, No I just yelled at the car to help me with my bags." I said sarcastically.

"Oh, how I've missed the attitude." She remarked.

"So, he's always had this attitude and it's not because of me?" Cameron asked, now that he was out of the car.

"Yes, he's always had it. You must be Cameron." My mom said giving him a hug. It's funny because when my friends meet her they're intimidated by her height. She's 6'2.

"Yep. That's me." Cameron said, he is so awkward.

"Oh I'm sorry, Cameron this is my Mom Nicole and Mom that's Cameron." I said getting another bag out, BY MYSELF.

"Cameron, eh em." I said handing him a bag.

"Kaden Wall, don't be an ass!" Mom snapped. Cameron looked at me.

"Mom, it's dark and wet out here. I just want to get inside." I said.

"Kaden?" He asked.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"You never told me that was your name." Cameron said grabbing a bag.

"It's no big deal, Mom can you get this? I have to get the dogs." I asked handing her a bag.

Cameron stayed outside with me, our faces lit only by the moon light, "Why didn't you tell me that was your name?"

I grabbed Jaxx's leash and attached it to his collar. I let him walk around, "Because, everyone calls me Kade. It's not that big of a difference. I just took the 'n' off."

"What if-" He said before I interrupted, "We can talk about this later. Can you let Abbie out?"

He nodded and did so. The dogs walked around and we got all of the bags inside. My house isn't the biggest. Only 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Oh well. Plus, we have a good bit of land.

"I could live out here." Cameron said.

"Ewh, why?" I asked locking my car up.

"Because, it's all quiet and peaceful." He looked up to the stars.

"Yeah, maybe. Not here though. Maybe move to like Texas or something." I said walking to the door. Cameron wrapped his arms around me and leaned my back to the door. He looked so good standing there.

"Kiss me." I said seductively.

He placed his lips on mine. The passion behind his kiss could've knocked the door down. Cameron bit at my lip asking for entrance. Our tongues fought for dominance. Cameron won and he explored my mouth. I dropped my wallet and keys to wrap my hands around him. He slid his hands just under the waist band of my pants. My thoughts were going crazy. I need to stop before this progresses into sex on my front porch.

"Kade! I can see you." Mom beat on the inside of the door.

"Shit." Cameron said jumping back taking his tongue out of my mouth and his hand out of my pants.

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