Chapter 19: The Interview Tour

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I walked out of the prison and pulled myself into the lifted Jeep. My heart was racing, 90 to nothing. I literally feel like a million bucks, and that I could do anything right now. With that feeling, I called Cameron.


Cameron- Hello?

Kade- I'm coming home. I've gotten it off of my chest, and I need a kiss.

Cameron- I miss you Babe.

Kade- I miss you! I'm going to get back to the hotel. Pack my shit, take the car back, call a cab and get the hell out of here.

Cameron- Okay! Call me when you're about to land, so I can drive to the airport and pick you up.

Kade- Okay, watch out for crazy fangirls. I am running and jumping into your arms.

Cameron- Well, I was hoping you would.

Kade- I will call you later.

Cameron- Okay, bye Babe.


I did just that too. I got back to the Hotel room and cleaned up. My bags were packed and I was ready to get out of here.

I turned my room key in and left. I found the car rental place with the time being 6:40pm and I gave them the key back. I hate coming back home, I hated living here, everyone is so unwelcoming, that's the main reason I wanted to leave. This state disgusts me.

"You have a great day sir." The man working the rental place said as I walked out. I nodded with my bags in hand and walked out side.

I called a cab and waited for about 10 minutes before he pulled up in a yellow van. I was in downtown Atlanta, and it was so creepy. There are so many homeless people that look at me and want money. Sorry, no.

I got into the passenger seat with my small suit case Cameron packed me, "Where would you like to go cutie?" The man asked.

I took a look at him, he was probably 25, "The airport. My boyfriend wants me back home." I said rolling my eyes at his ignorant approach towards me.

"Oh, where is home?" The dude asked creepily as he drove down the road.

"Montana." I lied, never tell a stranger where you live. Rule One in safety class we had in kindergarten.

"Oh, you're quite far from home." He smirked.

"I know, and I'm also quite out of your league." I smiled and looked out of the window.

"Clever, but how do you know?" He asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I know one thing, you best get your hand off of my arm." I said looking dead at him.

"Or what?" He spat with attitude.

"I'll call the cops and charge you with sexual harassment or better, I'll fucking rip your hand off myself." I whispered and he removed his hand.

The rest of the way to the airport was silent other than the pounding of my heart. I felt my blood pressure rising in anger.

We weren't very far, and when we arrived I hurried out of the cab, "Wait, you have to pay-" He started.

"Eat shit you pervert." I said slamming the door shut.

"Stupid Bitch!" He shouted and I flicked him off. People are disgusting, I want to go home.


"Where are you?" Cameron asked through the phone as I walked around the airport.

"I'm trying to find you, be patient." I said and I could see him. He was facing the opposite direction and didn't see me.

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