Epilogue: Finale // Part 1

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"Kade, are you alright?" Cameron asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." I said, looking down at Asher, asleep in his hospital crib.

"Thinking about what babe?" Cameron came up behind me, looking at Asher from over my shoulder.

I laughed, "You definitely don't want to know. It's irrelevant." I said, reaching down to gently rub Asher's chubby cheeks.

"Of course I want to know babe, that's why I asked." He kissed my head.

I told Cameron of what had happened. What Reese had said, and how he left. I also told him of what it made me think about, after him leaving. Cameron and I have built a relationship where we do not fear being honest with one another, and talking together comes easy to us.

"Why is it in every fantasy you have, you always leave me for Reese." He laughed, and jokingly bumped my shoulder.

"No babe, this was not a fantasy. It was a nightmare. I was having a nightmare and I wasn't even asleep. Not having you there, and imaging my world without you, me and Asher, was absolutely horrifying." I smiled at him, wanting him to get off of the sofa bed, and come lay with me on the hospital bed.

"You know how much I love you right?" Cameron asked, coming over to me.

"How much?" I grinned, holding him to me.

"So much. I love you so much, and I cannot wait get home with our baby. Kade, we are parents. We have a son, and it's because of you, and I love you even more for that. I am so happy that you did this, because I know how badly it would've upset you if you didn't." He cried happy tears.

"If it weren't for you Cameron, I wouldn't have tried. We are in this together, and we are forever a team." I said, cuddling him.

| 2 Years Later |

I held Asher, as he laughed at Cameron for being his goofy self. I laughed myself, because I married the biggest goofball ever. Ever since Cameron and I have brought Asher home, we have been the happiest little family, laughing and learning more than we ever thought we would.

"Cameron, I want another baby." I said, as I sat Asher down to play with his toys.

"Really?!" Cameron smiled.

I looked down at Asher, "Yeah."

"Okay! Oh my god, this is amazing!" Cameron jumped around, picking me up and kissing me, "So what are we going to do?"

"The same as we did with him." I smiled out of nothing but pure happiness.

Cameron got quiet, and then got extremely excited, "You're going to try again?!"

I was taken back, "No, I thought you were going to do it."

"Baby, don't you want to try again?" Cameron asked me, "For me."

"I love how much confidence you have in me, but it's been two years. My chances will only have decreased." I said, kissing his forehead.

"And we can take them again." Cameron said, "Baby, seeing you with Ash, it makes me the happiest man on the planet. I want you to do it one more time, before your chances are left to none."

I couldn't speak before Cameron continued to rant, "And if it doesn't work, that's okay baby. Everything will be alright. Money will not be a problem. I just want to see you happy, and for you to do this one more time, I know it will only bring our family closer." He was holding my face, ending it with a kiss.

"Okay. I'll do it." He and I kissed again, smiling on one another's lips.

We continued through the same process. Elle has volunteered to be our surrogate once again, and it only made me feel so much better. The stress and worry had again taken over, but why would it not. This is a big deal. Blessed again, Elle was pregnant. It was more tough this time, taking 17 days. Cameron and I would have another baby together. We continued through the same stages. The gender reveal, the baby showers, and the birth. This time, for the surprise, I decided to keep it a secret from everyone, including myself. Cameron was shocked how I had agreed for the surprise, but it was the greatest surprise. Cameron and I had been blessed again, this time with a baby girl. Our families had again joined at the hospital for the birth. Ash was running around with my niece and nephew, not even aware that he has a baby sister.

"Adeline." Cameron said. "Let's name her Adeline."

"I love it." I said, smiling down at Cameron and I's daughter.

I laid her down in her crib, and turned to Cameron. "I have to tell you something."

"What is it babe?" Cameron asked, concerned.

"Two months ago, I went back to the doctor to be tested, just to see what my chances would be if I happened to want to do this again. Perhaps I could freeze the sperm for later use, but the doctor told me that I have a 0% chance of any more successful pregnancies. He told me that doing it the second time, at the time I did was almost perfect because it was almost too weak to be successful with Adeline." I smiled, and a tear fell down my face, "Cameron, I love you."

"Baby, I'm so sorry about that. I love you." Cameron kissed me.

The years went by and by. Cameron and I tried again after Adeline's first year, this time with Cameron, and it was almost instantly successful. He had brought another baby boy into the world. Our family is perfect, perfect to me in every single way. Cameron, Myself, Asher, Adeline, and the new comer, Kolton. We wouldn't have it any other way.

"Kade." Cameron whispered as we lie in bed.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"I got the babies tonight. So, rest up." He said, kissing me on the forehead, "Goodnight, I love you."

"I love you Cameron. Goodnight." I closed my eyes, and I slept soundly that night.


Author's Note:

Babies and more babies!! I hope you enjoyed!


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