Chapter 13: A Call From Home

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I was actually happy to see 'Home' flashing on the screen of my phone. I miss everyone so, so much and getting to talk to them warms my heart. I picked it up walking into a different room, away from the commotion and answered it.

*Phone Conversation from Home*

Kade- Hey!

Mom- Kade! It took you long enough to answer, what are you doing?

Kade- Oh, Cameron, Baleigh, Michael & I are playing a game. Oh my god Mom, Michael proposed to Baleigh.

Mom- Oh my gosh, that is so sweet. But did you say Cameron? Who's Cameron?

Dammit! I haven't told her about him yet. Shit. Shit. Shit. I know I shouldn't be nervous, but it's been around a month and a half we've been seeing each other.

Mom- Kade? Who's Cameron?

Kade- Oh, Cameron? He's just, um, a friend.

Mom- Why are you lying? Is he your boyfriend?

I didn't say anything, but it became awkward so I confessed.

Kade- Um, yeah.

Mom- Why aren't you telling me this stuff? How long have you been together?

Kade- Um, almost 2 months. It's only been official for 1 though.

Mom- Holy shit? When were you planning on telling me this? Christmas?

Kade- Mom, I just didn't want you to freak out with it because it hasn't been long since Landon.

Mom- Sweetheart, I'm always here for you. Now, when are you coming home to see us?

Kade- It's only been 2 months Mom. I wasn't planning on coming home for another month or so.

Mom- Hell no, that's too long. I've waited 2 months. You can spare a week or two from California to see me.

Kade- I mean, I have to get a plane ticket and all of that stuff, plus I have a dog now. It would take even longer to get that settled with the airport.

Mom- Drive then. You've always wanted to travel the world.

Kade- I know, but I don't want to be by myself.

Mom- Bring your boyfriend with you, and the dog.

Kade- I don't know if he would want to drive all the way out there.

Mom- If he can't get over a day or two of driving with you, he isn't worth keeping.

Oh, but he is worth keeping.

Kade- Yeah, I'll think about it.

Mom- Okay, well I'm going to sleep it's like 12 here.

Kade- Why are you still awake?

Mom- We ran some errands and just got home like 30 minutes ago.

Kade- Oh, okay. I'll let you get to sleep, I love you.

Mom- I love you, think about coming to visit. I miss you.

Kade- I miss you, good night.

Mom- Goodnight. Hey, Lainee wants to talk to you.

Kade- Okay.

Lainee- Hey bro.

Kade- Hey. What are you doing?

Lainee- Waiting for your ass to come home.

Kade- Haha, well I might come visit in a few days. I have to talk to Cameron.

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