Chapter 5: First Date

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I walked over to Cameron, he turned to face me with a bundle of roses. He had a huge grin on his face, he handed the flowers to me.

"There are 11 flowers, I kept one." He told me.

"I think they are beautiful, this was really sweet of you. I'll give them to Baleigh so she can put them in vase for me." I said walking to Baleigh and Michael. They were both eyeing him down. I know he was uncomfortable because even I was uncomfortable.

"Do you mind putting these in a vase for me?" I asked.

"Yep, will do." She said taking the flowers from me and handing them to Michael telling him to hold them for her.

She walked over to Cameron and I followed behind her,

"That is my best friend, and if you pull anything on hi-" She said before I interrupted, "Cameron this is Baleigh, Baleigh this is, as you already know, Cameron. Now, if you wouldn't mind, Mother, I would like to go to where ever we are going." I said smiling at her, trying to give her a hint that I DIDN'T want him to be scared of you.

"Okay, but you," She said pointing at Cameron, "take care of Kade." She walked away.

"Make sure those get water and I will see you two later." I said and we walked out.

Cameron's car was sitting out front and he opened the door for me and I got in with him closing it behind me. He walked around and he himself got in starting the car.

"So, do you want to tell me where we are going?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled. His smile, I could just die.

"Nope, you'll find out later."

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Because it's a surprise. But, I want to get to know you better. So, tell me um, what's your full name?" He asked. He is so adorable.

"Kade Wall." I answered.

"No, your middle name too." He said.

"But I don't like it." I whined

"Just tell me."

"It's Carlos." I said, my face became hot because it's so ugly.

"Kade Carlos Wall, that's cute and I like it. It's not bad." He said sending chills down my spine. Cameron Dallas likes my name.

"Okay, now it's my turn. I thought you were straight and if that wasn't true, why fall for me?" I asked.

"Well, people always claim everyone is straight until told otherwise. That's how it was with me, but the only ones I've told are my immediate family members, and to be honest I didn't accidentally run into you earlier. I did it so I had an excuse to talk to you and I'm glad I did because you are really, really adorable and sweet. Well, when you first talked to me it wasn't sweet, but to me it was sexy." He said and I was really embarrassed, he thought when I cussed him it was sexy?This is amazing.

"Oh, you know how to make someone blush." I said.

"Did I embarrass you?" He asked, "To bad it's dark, I bet you're even cuter when blushing." He laughed.

"Where even is this place?" I asked.

"We have about 5 more minutes, and I'm not done asking about you." He told me.

"Okay, tonight is your night to ask the question." I said.

"Oh, so there will be another night where you ask the questions then? Is that what you're implying?"

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