Chapter 21: 4 Million Views

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Hayes and I walked down the street for about 10 minutes before we came across a small coffee shop.

"We can go sit in there." Hayes pointed at the café on the other side of the street.

He followed me, walking inside, the smell of coffee beans and doughnuts filled my nose. It smelled like absolute heaven.

"Hello! How may I help you guys today?" The small girl, maybe 17, asked from behind the counter.

I approached her and looked at the selections of sweets, "Yeah, I'll have that big fat brownie and a medium French Vanilla Laté." I looked at the huge brownie cake, "Hayes, you can get something too."

He looked over at the doughnuts, ordering one, along with his coffee.

"Your total will be $15.67." The small girl said, the name tag read Liz.

I fetched the money out of my wallet, sliding it to her, "You guys look really familiar." She said, giving a questioning look, "I've seen both of you before and I can't put my finger on it." She was stumped.

I smiled, "Well, if you think of it, we'll be sitting over there for awhile." I took my brownie and coffee.

"Okay." She said serving the next customer.

Hayes and I sat near the window, "I said we'd be gone for about and hour, so we have time to talk."

Hayes sheepishly smiled, "Thanks for not making me go with him. I was just wanting to be the mature adult and leave, not to cause anymore problems between us." He sipped his coffee.

"If you would've went with him, you would've been miserable. I think it's best to drop him as a friend because he isn't a very good one." I said picking at my brownie and eating it.

"Yeah. I was going to ask you too, why did you keep saying things about his sexuality? I would ask him, but he would argue with me saying that you didn't know anything." Hayes asked and a smiled.

"Well, when I first moved California, I went to eat at this buffet, that's right across the street from my house and while I was away getting my food I came back to a note on my drink. I read it and it was from our waiter and he was checking me out the whole time after that, which is really uncomfortable. I couldn't put my finger on it until Matthew said something awhile back... Gage was my waiter and he has a crush on me. The reason why he wanted to expose Cameron was out of jealousy. He was mad because he asked me to call him, and I denied, and then I go to the grocery store and meet Cameron." I said, smiling because I could still remember every detail of that beautiful day.

Hayes was confused. His mind was trying to process what I told him, "That explains everything." He said, "That's why Gage always wanted to know what you were doing, he always wanted to be where you were."

I made a disgusted face, "That's creepy, and just wondering.. how old is he?"

"Oh, Gage... He's 18." Hayes told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Immature." I laughed and sipped my coffee, "Also, how did you get the bruises?"

Hayes looked down in shame, "Gage. He came up with everything and I had to listen to him because I wasn't going to let him tell everyone what I did."

"You could've secretly told someone what he was doing, and we would've handled it." I said rubbing his hand.

"He would've let me leave his sight, his eyes were on me 24/7." Hayes raised his voice.

"Well now you don't have to worry about him because it's just us now. No drama." I smiled and Liz, walked up to the table.

"I know who you guys are." She smiled and we looked at her, "I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but you're Hayes Grier. My little sister loves you." She said looking at Hayes. When she looked at me I became nervous. How would she know me, "And you're that guy singing in the shower. Kaden, yeah. You have a really beautiful voice." I looked at her.

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