Epilogue: Finale // Part 2

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| 15 Years Later |

I was standing in the kitchen when Asher came downstairs from his room.

"Dad, I don't feel well." He said. 17 years old, and he still acts like the biggest baby in the house.

"What's the matter?" I asked, as he leaned forwards, wanting me to feel his forehead.

"I think I have a fever, and I threw up." He pouted.

I felt his cold forehead, but didn't say anything about it, "Alright, go back upstairs. Tell your brother and sister they don't have to go to school either."

"Wait why do they get to stay out, when I'm the one who's sick?" He complained.

"Well, for starters, you aren't sick. Also, it's Saturday." I laughed and sipped my coffee.

"Wait really?" He questioned.

"Yes really, now go get your siblings up, and then go wake up your grumpy dad." I smiled at the power I have over my house, "I wanna go eat breakfast together."

"Okay." Ash said as he ran up the stairs.

All of my kids have outgrown me. Asher, 17, was taller than Cameron and I both. Adeline, 15, was just an inch taller than me, and Kolton, 14, was the same height as Adeline. I live in a house full of giants.

As I sat downstairs, happy as could be, I could hear all of the kids waking Cameron up. The laughter made me put my coffee down and run up there myself. I joined in on the mania, and bounced on Cameron and I's kingsized bed.

"Good morning baby." I said, kissing Cameron.

"Gross!!" The three of them all yelled jokingly, "Come on, no PDA." Adeline remarked, laughing.

"Without this, you kids wouldn't be here, so be grateful." I poked and prodded at them, to make them laugh.

"What do you mean?" Kolton asked.

"You see son, if your Dad and I didn't meet, we wouldn't have our family." Cameron said, messing up Kolton's hair.

"How did you two meet?" Adeline asked.

I kept my head up on my hand and looked at Cameron and smiled, "Broken Eggs."

"What?" Ash laughed.

"It's a long story." I said, and Cameron interrupted.

"It's a good story too."

"I want to know!" Kolton bounced up and down like he would when he was a toddler.

"You tell it babe. I like when tell the story." Cameron said, smiling.

"Okay! Everyone scatter. Go get your pillows and blankets and anything you want. We'll make a day of going through old pictures, and telling stories if you want." I said, "Cameron can you go get the pictures out of the attic?"

"You know I don't like it up there." He pouted; and I wonder where Asher gets it from.

"Come on Dad, I'll go with you." Adeline said.

"That's my girl." I laughed, and waited for all my little babies to come back, and for Cameron to have the pictures with him.

Once we were all comfortable, I started from the beginning.

"It all started 20 years ago, when your aunt Baleigh and I moved to Los Angeles together. We were 18." I said, smiling at the thought.

"You guys lived in L.A.?" Adeline asked.

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