Chapter 29: It's Not the End

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I stood in the door way looking at her. Jordan is here. Jordan is here. Jordan is here. That was the only only thought my brain would process.

"Jordan, oh my god!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around her and hugging her too tight, "What are you doing here?"

I moved out of the way to allow her to come in. She had a few suitcases with her, "I'm moving in." She laughed, "I'm just kidding, Baleigh called and asked if I wanted to come stay for a little while.

"I've missed you so much." I smiled and closed the door, locking it, "I didn't know who in hell was knocking on my door. No one uses it."

"Then how do you get up here?" She asked, looking at the large kitchen.

"The elevator in the living room." I said like it was a casual thing to have.

"Oh. So where's Baleigh and Michael?" I stopped and turned around to face her.

If she doesn't know about Michael getting kicked out over a month ago, she doesn't know that Cameron is in the other room, "Ha, umm Baleigh is in the cinema and Michael is probably in jail or on the street."

"Cinema? And why would he be on the street?" She asked.

"Yeah, we have have a Cinema, and Baleigh kicked him out." I grinned at the thought, "Then she sold the ring and got a chunk of money from it too." That part made me laugh.

"You two are going to have to fill me in on so much because I have no idea what you're talking about." She twirled the end of her blonde hair.

"Okay, we can go take your stuff into the guest bedroom and then watch A Nightmare on Elm Street. We just started it." I grabbed a suit case and led her to the guest room that hasn't been used before. If you know what I mean.

"KADE!" I heard Baleigh shout, "YOUR BOYFRIEND WON'T SHUT UP!" Kian finished the sentence.

"Not my problem!" I yelled back.

"Who was that?" Jordan asked sitting her stuff in the corner.

"A friend." I laughed, "There is a bathroom over there, and feel free to put your stuff in the dresser and closet. The tv is hooked up, the sheets are clean and I want you to make yourself at home."

"Thanks, now they said boyfriend?" The poor girl was clueless, "You have a boyfriend? Who is it?" She shook my arm, "Wait, I ask like I'll know when you tell me." She laughed and I started to guide her to the cinema room.

"Ohh you'd be surprised." I honesty don't know what to say. She hasn't seen any posts on any social media accounts of the two of us, she hasn't seen anything that shows Cameron and I at least know one another, so this is going to be a great night of explaining.

"Jordan!" Baleigh said, she was standing in the living room.

They both hugged each other and Baleigh looked at me, "Cameron is an idiot."

Jordan laughed, "Your boyfriend's name is Cameron, isn't that ironic?

Baleigh and I both laughed, "Totally." I love her to death, but she needs to get out from the rock she lives under.

"Can I change into pajamas before we watch the movie?" She asked and we both told her yeah.

She walked into her room and I just laid my head on Baleigh's shoulder, "She has no clue." She said.

"I know. I was thinking to myself that we have a lot of explaining to do. Do you know how funny it's going to be when she see's him in there?" I giggled a little.

"What's taking so long?" Cameron poked his head out.

"Be patient and get back in there." I said shewing him with my hand.

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