Chapter 6: The Day After

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| Cameron's Point of View |

*Last night*

I thought the kiss ruined everything, but it didn't. It made me feel closer to him, and I was sad I had to let him go. One day, we'll lay side by side whispering to each other slowly falling asleep, you just wait. But Once I dropped Kade off, I sat there and waited a few minutes. I then texted him telling him how much fun I had. Anyways, you get the point. I just pray he calls me tomorrow, the sound of his voice makes me feel lucky to even know him and that's all that matters. After I told him goodnight I drove home. I opened my apartment door and Jaxx barked.

"Shh. It's just me." I told him.

He laid back down and I went into my room and laid down slowly drifting asleep, not even changing out of my clothes.

*Present Time*

Jaxx, who is my dog, licked my face & walked in circles on my bed trying to wake me up. It worked. All of the sudden I heard a beating at the door.

'Who is that?' I thought.

I got out of bed fully dressed & walked to the door looking through the peep hole. It was Nash. What does he want? I want to sleep. I opened the door.

"What?" I snapped.

"Well, Hello to you." He said walking in.

"Sorry, I was just sleeping. I am exhausted." I said wiping my eyes following Nash into the kitchen.

"So, why didn't you answer my calls or text last night?" He asked.

I couldn't tell him I was on a date. He then would ask with who and I would answer a guy & I don't know what he would say. He is my best friend and should say you will not change in my eyes, but I've heard some things from him about gays that hurt and I'm not positive that what would come out of his mouth would be to my liking.

"I didn't have my phone yesterday, I just wanted to go a day without it." I told him getting the cereal & milk out with a bowl & spoon.

"Oh, yeah. Okay." he said sounding skeptic of my answer.

"Whatever." I laughed.

"You are still going to be at the Meet and Greet tomorrow? Right?" he asked me as I ate my cereal.

"Yes." I said, I am excited about tomorrow because I get to see Kade.

I need to tell him not to say anything to Nash. I couldn't bear Nash saying something mean to Kade and him getting upset. It would break my heart, and I would probably break one of Nash's bones.

"Good, we need you for this." He told me getting himself cereal as well.

"Okay, can you tell me why you wanted to get here at 8:00o'clock in the morning?" I asked.

"Well, because I wanted to make a new YouTube video? Want to?" He asked.

"Yeah, I don't care. I need to take a shower first." I said putting my bowl in the sink and walking into my room with Nash following behind.

"What are we going to talk about?" I asked looking in my closet for something to wear.

"I don't know, you're the one that's best at thinking of topics." He said plopping down on my bed.

"I have no clue, maybe I can think of something in the shower." I said walking into the bathroom.

I removed my clothes turning the shower on & stepping in. The warm water made me relax. Being around Nash makes me tense, because I'm always worried he'll say something negative. I thought about what we could talk about, other than dating girls.

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