Chapter 4: Surprise, Surprise

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I left the grocery store in complete shock. Not only did I just meet Cameron Dallas, but he asked for my number and yes, I gave it to him. Are you stupid? Why wouldn't I?

I wonder if he'll call or text me, or when that'll be. You know what, don't think about it or get over excited. He'll call when he's ready.

Everyone told me that this was too good to be true and the chances were1/1,000,000,000. Turns out I am the "One" in that fraction, bitches.

Here is the goal I'm shooting for, I will just get home, unload the groceries & watch netflix. I won't tell anyone about what just happened, not even my best friend, maybe?

I used my GPS to get back to the Condo and ran to get my parking pass. I hung it up over my rear view mirror and drove over to the side Ariel told me too, it was where my spot was. The pass said P2 Lot 43, I guess that means Parking Level 2 Parking Spot 43? I don't know, I'll figure it out.

After passing my parking place 900 times, I finally parked and got the groceries out. I walked over and into the elevator and entered my code to go straight up to the room. I walked into the house once the doors opened.

It was dark. Baleigh was at the airport getting Michael. Good, now I'll be alone for awhile, so I can process what happened. I brought the groceries into the kitchen and put things where they needed to be. I ran upstairs in my room and shut the door behind me. I stripped down to my briefs and grabbed my laptop getting on netflix. After going through the movies and shows I decided to play 'Oculus'. One more thing to know about Kade Wall, HE LOVES HORROR MOVIES!

I watched the movie, dozing off every few minutes once it started getting good. My phone buzzed & my heart dropped. It was from an Unknown Number, it has to be him. Him, the perfect guy, not only because he's beautiful. It's also his sense of humor, warm heart & so much more. I don't know why I am afraid to talk to him, I mean this is what I've dreamed for. I guess I never meant for it to ACTUALLY happen.

* Text Messages to The Unknown Number *

Unknown Number - Hey, this is Cameron.

Kade - This is Kade. (:

Cameron - Good! I was worried that you gave me a fake number and I was scared to text you.

Kade - I would never do that, and why would you be afraid to text me?

He didn't respond for awhile so I sat my phone down and changed into some pajamas, just in case someone walked in I wouldn't be in my underwear. Embarrassing.

It felt like for ever until my phone buzzed again.

Cameron - Why would I be scared to text you? Well, because for starters you're cute. That was embarrassing, but I was bound to tell you sooner or later.

Kade - You think I'm cute & what do you mean sooner or later? I only met you an hour ago.

Cameron - Oh, well it never mind. It isn't important.

Kade - Okay? Well I got to go. My best friend and her boyfriend just got home.

Cameron - Can I text you later, or call you maybe?

Kade - Um, we'll see. (;

He didn't text back after that and I ran downstairs.

"I got groceries, and I met someone today." I said all joyful.

"Well, good and who would that be?" Baleigh asked.

"GUESS!" I screamed getting over excited.

"Um, Cameron Dallas?" She said smiling.

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