Chapter 27: Forever

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We took the last load of boxes back to my place, both him and I are exhausted from the haul, and yet he still insists on taking me out to fill my fast food craving.

"Wouldn't you think it'd be better if we waited until everything was unpacked, before we go out?" I asked, as Cameron yawned.

"I don't think I'm cut out for unpacking tonight. I really only want to fill my stomach and maybe watch a movie." He smiled as he sat the final box on the floor.

All of his items were packed in boxes of all sizes, sitting in both of my guest bedrooms downstairs. He didn't have many things to bring, other than his clothing, furniture and his valuables, such as photos etc.. It wouldn't take long to organize everything and place it all about, but I understand that he wants to rest.

I want to rest too. Today has been such a stressful day, but the outcome of it all leaves joy in my heart because I get to end it with the man I love dearly. Cameron.

"That doesn't sound so bad." I responded, scratching the back of my head, "Let me go grab my keys and we shall be on our way to buy chicken."

We both laughed, "Kade." Cameron smiled.

"Yes, baby?" I said turning back to him.

"Thank you, for everything." His smiled faded slightly, "I would be on the street right now, if it weren't for you taking me in." He teared up.

"Cameron, " I began walking to him, "There is no need to thank me. I'm always here for you." I hugged him tightly.

"I love you." Cameron kissed the top of my head.

"I love you." I disconnected our bodies, just enough to where I could kiss his soft, pink lips.

"Eating sounds really good right now." Cameron laughed and I proceeded to collect my keys.

When they were in hand, we headed out to fill our stomachs with delicious, greasy chicken. Maybe even a milkshake to go along with it.


"Hi, can I take your order?" The woman asked through the intercom.

I've always hated that question. I know they're only being polite, but of course you can take my order. The reason I pulled into the drive-thru was specifically for you to take my order. I believe the correct term would be 'What may I get for you?' or even 'What do you want to eat?' Anything else, other than a question you know the answer to.

"Kade, Order!" Cameron said, snapping me out of my meaningless thoughts.

"Sorry," I apologized and leaned closer to the speaker, "Um, yes. I would like a number 5, 12 count combo, and also a number 1, combo, with no pickles. I want to to make them both a medium, with two waters and two small milkshakes." I finished ordering and the small, petite sounding woman told me our total and I drove around to the window.

"You're getting good at that." Cameron laughed, "Ordering what I want with out asking."

I rolled my eyes, "We've been together for 6 months, I know what you eat, dork."

"$8.78" She said, holding her hand out for the cash.

I fished it out of the console, handing it to her. She collected my change for me, and I then received the food.

Its smell filled my small Camaro. I need a salty waffle fry.   

"Fry me." I giggled as Cameron fed me, the salt from the fry, soothing my quench of hunger. 

"You two have a fantastic night." The woman, who's name tag read Tara said.

"You too." I smiled, and drove off.

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