Chapter 33: Merry Christmas

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The car ride home was gloomy. There was no music, nor conversation taking place. I could only think about what I had witnessed a few hours earlier. Reese was dead, Landon was dead, and I felt dead. Watching the life leave Reese's body forever changed me as a person. Never take what you have for granted because it can be ripped from you in a split second.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to Cameron, breaking the silence.

"Baby, what are you sorry for? You didn't do anything." He said, putting one of his hands on mine.

"Exactly. I didn't do anything." I was overpowered by sadness.

"Kade. I saw everything that happened up there. You went straight to him and tried to stop the bleeding. You tried to do everything you knew to, to help." His voice was soft and beautiful.

I looked out the car window not saying anything else. The sky was dark, but the stars changed that. I'm going to miss Reese, and at least I know he's watching over me.

We were almost home when I felt my phone start vibrating. An unknown number flashed on the screen.

"That's the hospital." Cameron said.

"Why would they call me?" I asked.

"Just answer it." Cameron laughed.

I slid my finger across the screen to answer it, "Hello."

"Is this Kaden Wall?" I petite woman asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Yes it is."

"I know that it's late, but can I ask you to come back down to the hospital. We have news that would be better for you to hear in person." She said guiltily.

I took the phone off of my ear, "They want me to come back to the hospital." I said to Cameron.

"Why?" He asked, slowing down.

"I don't know, she said they need to tell me in person." I explained as he made a u-turn.

"We'll be there in 10 minutes." He said tiredly.

I put the phone back to my ear, "We're on our way."

"Great. See you soon." She ended the call.

Cameron and I were both tired, so this better be worth it.


After arriving back at the hospital and parking, we walked inside. I hadn't had the chance to change clothes, so I was still wearing the suit that I wanted to get out of.

Cameron lead me to the front desk, "We're back, what do you need to tell Kade." He said to the lady who I guess called me.

"Great, just one moment." She smiled sheepishly, pressing a few buttons on her desk phone, "You can follow Nurse Nancy." She said pointing towards the elderly nurse who was one of mine when I was in here last month.

They both shared the same guilty smile and that only pissed me off ten times more, "What's the news?" I asked.

"It's better if you see for yourself." She said, never looking back at Cameron and I.

"You're not taking me back there to see him." I said; my voice breaking in the middle of the sentence. I stopped walking.

"Kade, I promise you, it's going to be alright." She smiled, but I didn't fully trust her.

I held Cameron's hand as we came to a room. I took a deep breath as she opened the door. I closed my eyes slightly not ready for what was behind it. I walked in slowly, looking around the room. There was no one in here.

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