Chapter 8: Time Flies

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*|2 Weeks Since the Meet & Greet|*

The sun beamed through my window waking me up. Cameron wasn't next to me.

Yes, he stayed over & slept in my bed with me. Over the last couple of weeks we've gotten close. We have been hanging out almost everyday & having a blast each and every time.

I uncovered myself and rolled out of bed. I walked out of the door. I heard Cameron down stairs talking to either Baleigh or Michael.

"I'm going to ask him tonight, maybe take him out somewhere nice." Cameron said.

"That will be really sweet." Baleigh said.

"Yeah, I would take him to the beach. He hasn't been since we've moved here." Michael added.

Cameron's telling both of them something and not me? What the hell, why aren't you talking to me.

"I'm going to wake him up." Cameron said.

Oh shit. I ran back in my room jumping in the bed covering up before Cameron walked in.

"Kade, it's 9:00o'clock." He whispered running his fingers through my hair.

"And?" I said trying to sound like I was asleep.

"I made you breakfast." He told me and I opened my eyes.

He didn't have a shirt on, which was really hot. I've seen him with it off in pictures, but this is the first time in person.

"You did?" I asked sitting up rubbing my eyes. *Wink* Wink* I am such a good actor.

"Yeah, I made you eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice."

"How long have you been up?" I asked.

"Since seven, but I just finished breakfast." He said.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute."

He smiled and walked back downstairs. I went into the bathroom, peed & washed my hands. I grabbed my phone and went down stairs. Cameron set my breakfast neatly on the table. He is so sweet.

I sat down and Cameron came into the dining room with his plate sitting across from me.

"Are you doing anything later?" He asked me looking down at his plate.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to take you somewhere." He said smiling.

"And where is that?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

"I don't like surpri-"

"Surprises, you've told me that and what did I say?"

"If you're with me you have to get used to surprises." I mocked what he told me awhile back.

"Yep." He made that smirk which everyone loves, but when he makes it to me I just want to smack him.

"Don't look at me like that." I said.

"What? Like this?" He did it again and I hit his shoulder.

"Ouch." He jumped grabbing his arm.

I made the face he made to me and put my dishes in the sink. He came up behind me and picked me up, putting me over his shoulder.

"Put me down." I said laughing.

"No." He said going to the stairs.

"No, Cameron. Don't go up the stairs holding me. What if we fall?" I panicked.

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